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RE: Crazy Rich Steemians

in #movie6 years ago

I think all movies should probably start to do international casting calls. At least the ones with a big enough budget to fly people in.

We have to start admitting that there is no way that we will have a cast that isn't white-washed unless we hire international actors. The majority of Americans are "white". That is to say, they're Anglo-American. If more movies did an international casting call, they could get actors from all over the place that are both great actors, and from a diverse cultural background. The number of Asian actors in America is limited. Every single one I can think of I like...but there's not many.

If we started hiring more Filipino and Thai and Chinese and Indonesian etc. actors, we'd probably see a lot more good movies where the characters aren't changed because a white actor is who seemed like they might be the best for the role.

Makes you wonder whether the Netflix 3-part format would have been a better format for the story.

They probably could have done a theatrical cut, with a Netflix 3-part version to be released a few months later. There are tons of movies that are cut way down...usually to their detriment.

I hadn't heard of this movie before this post... I kinda liked that series about the daughters of rich Chinese parents, so it sounded interesting at first...but I'm not sure if I would like it considering it's a romance. Especially with the main actor being boring...


Yeah, it's rather interesting, how then even the stories considered for movie adaptations would need to take into account distribution of roles. But I suppose each group would need representation into the movie industry.

I wonder if they will do another long-form version. It's true that it certainly could happen, though not sure how it works with licensing and whatnot.

If the past is any judge, they probably won't have a longer formed version for years, if ever. It's possible though. Hell, they're coming out with a Netflix series of The Hobbit. I'm sure it's going to be plenty long...and sucky.

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