Movie Review: CrawlsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #movie4 years ago

There's been very little to watch on TV these days and new releases are few and far between, so this weekend I had some time to kill and thought I'd check out what was listed as new on Netflix and spotted the 2019 disaster movie, Crawl.

I think disaster movies were a product of the previous 15 years of fearmongering about climate change. It felt like every few years there was an Asterdiod, Twister, Earthquake, Tsunami or Sharknado happening and ready to wipe out the human race.

As we've become desensitised to these types of movies, they seemed to have dried up but it doesn't mean they are gone forever, and Crawl proves that. The idea might not be unique, but the movie does pose some interesting questions and had the potential to be more than a disaster movie, so how did it turn out?

What is Crawl About?

Crawl centres around a college swimmer who has lost faith in her ability to reach the top of her sport and is going through the motions. When a huge hurricane hits her hometown in Florida, Haley is asked by her sister to check on her divorced father who lives alone in their old neighbourhood.

When she reaches the town police have already blocked off entry due to the storm but she ignores evacuation orders to look for her father. After finding him badly wounded, both are trapped by the flood. With virtually no time to escape the storm, they discover that rising water levels are the least of their problems.

An alligator is now trapped in the crawl space beneath the house and Haley has to find out how she's going to escape with her life as well as protect her wounded father from this deadly creature.

Poster For Crawl - Source - IMDB

What I thought of Crawl

It starts off as an interesting and gritty survival game of wits as a dad and his intrepid daughter try to get through no less than a hurricane just as the floodwaters are filled with ravenous alligators. The tension is built up well in the first act, but as you move into the second and third, they begin to milk the jump scars and it starts to ruin the movie.

I think the acting was pretty good and I can't blame the actors, both Kaya Scodelario and Barry Pepper did well as a duo carrying the film but the script didn't do them any favours.

The emotional moments and character development is so weird and feels misplaced. I get that if you're faced with your mortality and death is almost a certainty, that you would want to share things you've held inside but the timing of these asides just seems weird.

It almost becomes a formulaic approach,

  • Dangerous situation,
  • Attempt at escaping
  • Fail at escaping
  • If successfully put them in a worse off situation
  • Confess feelings
  • Repeat

At certain points in the movie, you felt like they're not giving the characters a break on purpose and trying to up the ante with more gore and impossible situations that become laughable. When the characters have to pull off near super hero abilities to get out of a situation your belief in the scene they try to place you in breaks completely.

Trailer For Crawl - Source: YouTube

My rating for crawl

The movie-like so many others grind them out for the cash takes a promising story and ruins it with plot holes galore, poor decision making, the ridiculous over the top danger, the poor CGI and asks you to leave your brain at home. Starts off strong and then descends into a B-grade made for TV movie real fast.

I'll have to give this movie 5 gators out of 10

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