It ignites American criticism
It will arrive much earlier in the United States since it is planned on the 8th. And these little lucky journalists have already seen it.
Let's take advantage of it to answer one of the questions we have been asked regularly in the last few weeks: No, we have not had the chance to see "IT". It's summer and big projections Are also on holiday but it is expected to settle his case as soon as the start of the school year. So, for the moment, we are like you, we are lost in conjectures, hopes and fears by being spoiler badly the mouth as soon as we turn on our computer.
It will be on the American screens from September 8 and a panel of journalists has already seen it. If their reviews are not yet online, and they probably will not be until a few days before the release of the film, we can already take the temperature around the film by watching the reactions of journalists on social networks. And, based on this information, this is excellent; Little anthology ...
We start with Steve Weintraub, from Collider, for whom it's very well done, the cast is awesome and there are disturbing visuals, the film is going to make a ton of money, ready for the sequel tomorrow. Just like his colleague of Birth Movie Death, Phil Nobile, for whom "the film is very beautiful, a brilliant execution of a story that we all know, the big surprise is Finn Wolfhard, who really wins the bet.
It would seem that the press is almost unanimous regarding the play of young actors and the fact that their Losers Club works wonderfully. The Nerdist said: "I loved the film, it captures the essence of the book and still manages to create something new, a perfect combination between dark and fun. Losers is PERFECT! " Even the sound of Haleigh Foutch of Collider: "The film is all I wanted. Terrifying, Skarsgard is Penywise and the Losers are perfect." His colleague Perri Nemiroff is even more impressed by the fact that "this film is all I hoped for and more." He has heart, laughter and tons of incredibly terrifying things. Did not want it to end. "
Obviously, the question everyone is asking is Pennywise. Is it successful? Does it really scare? And the violence of the film is up to the promise? According to Drew Dietsch of Get Fandom, the promise is beautiful and well-kept. And even more: "The horrifying amount of violence and horrifying imagery towards children is CHOKING, they do not go dead handed and it's great." Bill Skarsgard gives us a performance that will make him the Freddy Krueger of the new generation." "The film is spooktacular, a great casting, very entertaining and frighteningly disturbing, we are still terrified when we get home."
We see, the first opinions are rather dithyrambic on the film and was expected no less from him. After that, it does not do everything, there is no real criticism, it is above all hot reactions, but it leaves us optimistic for the sequel. In addition to giving us even more desire to see the film.
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