Guardians of the Galaxy, vol2 or Daddy Issues in Space! [ movie review]

Hello, friends, fans, groupies and enemies!

Today I'm gonna write a review for Guardians of the Galaxy vol2, which I just seen and loved it so much that I need to write something about it. I NEED TO! Please read on.
IF you haven't seen it yet, be assured that this review has mild spoilers. Nothing that would ruin your enjoyment when you see it but some people are taking this no-spoiler thing very seriously so..yeah.
Here;s the trailer:

I'm not gonna talk at all about the action and plot. Just want to say that it;s wicked fun, old school space-opera that hits every mark it sets out: great characters, fun side wackos, great action scenes, unexpected plot and....emotional payoff, which I happen to think it's rather important. A movie with soul has staying power.

What I'm gonna concentrate on is how every damn character has deep psychological scars, that basically make them act and do almost everything they do in this movie. And who inflicted these shit upon them?


That's the truth, everyone on the ship has daddy issues of the most fked up kind! FUN! In a way the most important characters are the mostly unseen fathers....
Let's begin with our STAR...


Star-lord grew up without a father, always dreaming he had one (or that his real father was David Hasselhof!). So from the beginning we have abandonment issues. Then, he learned that his father actually maybe possibly cares because he sent a mercenary to get him after his mother's death...but never actually made an effort to find him after said mercenary kind of kidnapped him.
Now that's enough to create some weird issues but in vol2 we learn a lot, a LOT more.
His father is actually A PLANET. (Whaaaat )
His father has a tons of KIDS (yey, for step-bros and sis)....but they're all killed by his father for not being powerful enough. (oh, damn, that joy did not last long, huh? ].
Also his father gave his mother cancer. [ Game over right here but wait.. ]
Star-lord is forced to KILL his own father.

It's kind of clear that this man will need eons of therapy.
His issues mainly manifest by not trusting that anyone will stick around long enough for him to need to give a crap about them, by downplaying his own emotions and being supetr goofy. We also see his growth a lot from vol1 to vol2. I can't awit to see that the next volumes bring
Good luck, Star-Lord!


She is one adopted daughter of Thanos who is the most badass of badasses so she is powerful but...sadly, so so fked up.
She grew up mostly fighting her sister under the threat that losing any battle with bring her death so like, she smacked her sister up non stop. Talk about sisterly love, huh?
I suppose growing up with a father that only shows appreciation when you can almost kill a sibling will totally do a number on your mind. Gamora is the perfect soldier..unfortunately, she can't express love and affection. Her obvious feeling for Star-lord are obvious only to us. Still, it's certain that this union will eventually happen although they both are so unhealthy that the relationship is basically doomed to fail. But hey, very intense there for a while!
Dear Gamora, you're awesome even with no sword. I hope you can find it a way to love yourself despite the fact that your father never loved you and your sister hates you.
Speaking of which...


Nebula is the other side of the sisterly coin. Also an adopted daughter of Thanos her task was to beat her sister, Gamora, or else...lose a part of herself and having it replaced with something mechanical. In theory, to make her a better fighter and eventually kill Gamora.
This never happened so now she's mostly a robot and looks...well, it looks like that [ STILL HOT THOUGH! ].
Nothing to add here: Your father literally cuts you up for not being good enough and even with all the improvements you still aren't good enough..while your sister is beating your ass daily. Imagine how much hatred must be in that cyborg heart of hers.
Gamora is reduced to a psychotic personality with only one goal: Kill Thanos!
I think she'll find that once she succeeds, she will feel no better.
Heal yourself with love, Gamora!


My favorite! Rocket the Raccoon, although he's called a fox, a dog, animal etc... He's a grumpy, aggressive, intense killer machine genetically engineered by scientist to kill. He does not even has a father but whoever created him did not give a shit about this and kept him in captivity until they needed him. He escaped somehow and never looked back but the rage never left him.
His issues manifest in the way he rejects any help and always gets in trouble just to burn any bridge he might have, somehow, constructed with another person. Oh well, and SPITE!. He kind of loves doing something SO nice that people will be amazed that he had it in him.
The secret?He is a sweetheart and afraid to get attached to anyone.
Work on your anger issues and deal with your fear, Rocket and you can have a long cool life.
You are amazing!

The only one who has no issues at all is DRAX. Drax is just having a lot of fun. In many ways, DRAX is us. Enjoying the ride, interacting with these walking issues but never affected by their outbursts. He goes with the flow.

And no, I have not forgotten about our most adorable tree/twig in the world: GROOT!
Groot is a baby, he is childish, innocent and adorable.


PS: You know what? A lot of our superheros have daddy issues if you really think about it. IronMan?! hello. THOR?! dear God! and let's not forget the first, the one who invented "daddy issues in space". Need a hint?


Great post! You have now given me an idea on how to spend my Father's Day. No matter what I'll seem like father of the year compared to those jackasses!

:)) from all i know about you, you do seem to be a great father.
bad side effect: your kid won't be a superhero, most likely :D

lol. That sounds like a fair trade. Although I think my son would prefer the super powers.

you know what you need to do....
get him a radioactive spider :D

star wars pun :) when Luke finds out.

:)) damn it. how did i miss taht!!?!?!

I din't read your review because of the spoilers. I saw the first one and loved it. Glad to hear that the sequel is good too.
I intend to see it when I can

100% Illuminati Saturn/Satan worship. Not even hidden in this movie, it's the plot lol.

I think very good the movie, excelent post!!!

I think Drax does indeed have issues! Although he's learning to show some awkward humor and revels in battle, he's completely stoic when it comes to sadness. As shown in his interactions with Mantis, even while looking calm he is filled with sorrow at the murder of his family. I think this contributes to his loyalty to the team, adopting them as a new family and never wanting to leave a compatriot behind. His "father issues" are simply reversed. He is a father who has lost a child.

That's nicely put.
Drax story indeed takes very sad turn but for most of the ride he seems unaffected by emotions. I guess I don't see his issues manifesting in his actions but dealing with a surprisingly healthy way!
Really good comment!

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