A Geeky Dad’s Movie Guide to Venom (2018)

in #movie-review6 years ago

Venom is an incredibly stupid movie.

Venom is a fairly entertaining movie.

You got my stupidity in my entertainment.
No you got your entertainment in my stupidity.
Two great tastes that taste great together!

So which is it?

Considering Venom is a movie about the worst case of split personality ever, it is only fitting that both answers are correct.

Let's start with the stupid... and there is plenty of it. Apparently in this part of the Marvel Universe, evil Elon Musk type visionary villains are smart enough to bring back live organisms from space. They are smart enough to secure them in a lab. But they are not smart enough to have a single security camera in the multi-billion dollar lab which contains priceless irreplaceable specimens.

In addition to this utterly ludicrous hole, there is a completely stupid and unnecessary love story that takes 20 minutes too long to be established and destroyed. How about a nice montage of the happy couple and then jump to the point where our anti-hero destroys the relationship?

Why am I in this scene again?

What makes this relationship even stupider is the fact that the ex-girlfriend (played HORRIBLY by Michelle Williams) shows up everywhere. And I mean everywhere. Huge firefight between a SWAT team and a giant man-eating alien? She simply wanders in. An even bigger battle between two giant man-eating aliens? Oh there she is again. A forest filled with assassins who inexplicably march their would-be victim for just enough time for him to be saved? Of course she is there. And this is after the couple is broken up! I can't imagine how much time they spent together when they were a couple.

Wait. What am I doing? Why am I wasting time telling you each stupid detail. Let me just sum it up like this. Any scene that does not involve Eddie Brock (Tom Hardy) and Venom is completely idiotic.

So how could this ridiculous mess still be entertaining?

It's freaking Venom!

Venom is awesome... and surprisingly funny.

By the way, I only brought my 13 year old son to see this movie and he loved it. It would not be appropriate for my 11 year old daughter.

Not only did I really enjoy the special effects that brought Venom and the other alien symbiotes to life, I actually enjoyed the dialogue between Eddie Brock and Venom. Add to that the fact that the fight scenes, car chases and other action sequences were all well done and you have yourself a nice piece of mindless entertainment.

Sadly, if they had done a better job with the music, it could have been a lot more fun. The credits were filled with some pretty cool rap songs that would have paired very well with the action sequences. Instead, the music seemed like a very cheap afterthought. It was unoriginal, pedestrian and quite boring.

Although Eminem hasn't released a good song in... forever, this video is actually pretty cool.

Speaking of credits... the first after the credit scene is very cool if you are in on the inside joke. The second stinger is an extended scene from the upcoming animated move Spider-Man: Into the Spiderverse. I already know I will see that movie with my kids so the time spent waiting for and watching something that I will see again in a few months was also... you guessed it... stupid.

This movie does not even require my typical "geeky guide".

It is pretty simple. If you are a Venom fan, go and see this at a matinee. If you are a Marvel fan, wait for the cheap theaters. If you like mindless action movies, wait for Netflix. If you like intelligent movies, go watch Inception again.

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We mice reckon this looks like a really awesome stupid movie friend Han.

Thanks for the honest review. Will wait for Blu-ray.

PS. It was nice to be able to catch your post early for a change.


Thanks for swinging by you little scoundrels! I left some popcorn on the floor for you. Enjoy!

Thank you for the popcorn friend Han.



WATCH HD https://tinyurl.com/ycn9fv9w

Hoping my 5 year old son could handle it...gonna take him on Saturday

I'm still slightly disappointed that fox decided to do this instead of working along since with the MCU with marvel.

I say I'm disappointed but I'll probably end up watching it like I do with every other marvel movie... on the other hand, I've seen the trailers for the new spider verse movie and that one is really looking interesting :-D reminds me of the Spider-Man game that came out a few years ago... shattered dimensions? shattered worlds?

Posted using Partiko Android

The cartoon looks like it could be a lot of fun and they are trying to make it look like a comic book. I will definitely see it.

So I just added this movie to my list yesterday and I was worried that you will talk me out of watching it😁. Kept reading this post with one eyes closed, lol.. Thanks for the review

Thanks. I try really hard not to spoil movies. Its not great but I had some fun.

nice review, going to this one tonight. In addition to Inception, I might need to add 2001: A Space Odyssey by the sound of it too to get back my movie "intelligence-balance" back to normal by the end of the week. thanks for the share, as always.

LOL. I chose Inception because Tom Hardy is in that one too. But you are right 2001 should cleanse your pallet of the nonsense you will see.

ha, just finished it - duh, went brain dead on the Tom Hardy correlation. And the scary thing is I went brain dead before the film.

The plot had some serious holes, the Elon Musk archetype was weak, and the plot had even more holes, but i did like the chemistry between Hardy and the symbiote. Not the best comic book movie, but not the worst. I think your review is pretty much spot on.

I think movies like these only fill cinematic spaces in the sequels, but it would be good to see, but as recommended not in the cinema, at Home: D

i'll wait a bit and watch it on Netflix :P Something telling me that it would be just an ok movie for me not a big deal

That sounds like the right call. There was nothing so spectacular that it needed to be on the big screen.

hahaha just yesterday i went to greet my uncle and he said:

Wanna go see a movie this week?
Ok i am in (i replied)

Tomorrow we gonna go see venom :P ( he never lets me pay :P )

Marvel characters are a blast because they do entertain.
I just don't like them bunched up together and then killing superman LOL
Superman is super, he can't die.
Now venom is just new for me and this is a great flavor for me to enjoy watching @hanshotfirst
Intriguing review.

Thanks! I hope you enjoy it.

Hmmm well, this one is probably not for me. And since my kids are too young... I must admit it is a long time I haven't seen a good superhero movie :(

Yeah your kids are definitely too young. You don't need to see this one.

Too late, I already watched it at the weekend.

Michelle Williams gets one year younger every movie she does, but her characters also lose one trillion braincells each movie.

Tom Hardy's character is almost as bad, just a bunch of cliches about being an overzealous reporter.

However, when Venom finally shows up, things get seriously fun, with Venom's deep voice, scary half-moon eyes, and Colgate-brushed sabre-toothy whiteness all pretty good surface for what turns into some pretty funny Abbott and Costello style comedy banter between himself and Tom Hardy.

A shallow movie with a funny character. I laughed. Now use him in a better movie.

It's a shame this movie isn't part of the Marvel universe, or better still, part of the X-men/Deadpool universe, because Deadpool and Venom would make a great anti-hero double act, creating complete chaos every time they team up instead of saving the day. I'd love that movie. :)

That combo would be an awesome movie!

I felt the same way. You introduced something fun in a bad movie. Now make a good one. I hope it does well enough for them to try a better sequel.

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