A Geeky Dad's Movie Guide to Rogue One: A Star Wars Story

in #movie-review8 years ago

My handle is Han Shot First, my avatar is a cartoon of Han Solo wasting Greedo... and I have an 11 year old son. Of course I went to see Rogue One: A Star Wars Story on opening night. I even kept my kids up past their bedtimes to do it. Did I let them stay up for them or for me? I'm honestly not sure. But I'm very glad I did!

My 11 year old son loved this movie. He would see it again right now. I really liked it (but I can't possibly love it as much as an 11 year old). I would take him to see it again right now. My wife liked it and would rent it again. My 9 year old daughter was too tired to make it through the entire movie so her grade is an "incomplete".

This movie is made for twelve year olds. That is not necessarily a bad thing. There are a ton of very entertaining movies aimed at twelve year olds. I believe this was also the case for the original Star Wars trilogy... and I will love those movies until the day I die.

In my opinion, a movie aimed at twelve year olds has a few essential elements. These include:

  • A fairly simple plot
  • Fun
  • Action
  • Great visuals
  • Someone to root for
  • A distinct beginning , middle, and end (This may sound odd but I mean a story that a twelve year old could explain to another twelve year old. "First this happens. Then this. Finally this..."

Rogue One: A Star Wars Story systematically checks off all of these boxes.

If you are looking for a complicated plot with no holes and a lot of twists and turns, then this is not the movie for you. The plot is very simple... the good guys must stop the bad guys by stealing their plans. (There is a bit more to it than that. However, if that is the only part you concentrated on, you would still have fun). There are a few plot holes... but who cares? The story does its job: it provides the vehicle to get the audience to the awesome final battle scene.

If you were looking for some deep character development, you might be a bit disappointed. You aren't going to fall in love with any of these characters. But that is OK. It is a stand alone movie. You are already in love with the important characters from the franchise. This movie is a side story for the side characters. I bet you will like the characters quite a bit. Unfortunately, there are so many likable ones, that there is no time to truly fall in love with any. But boy oh boy, several of them are a ton of fun!

That is the point of this movie. It's fun. It's a great appetizer to tide you over until Episode VIII is released next year. Rogue One is a delicious appetizer!

There are ground battles with blaster rifles, melee battles with staffs, air battles to support the ground troops, space battles... and a heist. What more could you want out of a "popcorn" movie? No wonder my son loved it. That sounds simply awesome to 12 year old me!

Of course the special effects were dazzling. I don't recall anything new (like the reverse time fight scenes in Dr. Strange) but they pulled off the old standards flawlessly. The space battles are amazing. In addition, the creatures and droids are perfect. The new planets are also incredible.

It takes a little while for the movie to get going, but once it picks up speed, there is a ton of fun. There are just enough jokes (especially from the droid K-2SO) to remind you that you are supposed to be having fun. More importantly, they throw in several "Easter eggs" for the older Star Wars fans in the audience.

As an adult, you really will have to rely heavily on your ability to suspend your disbelief. You will also have to accept that in this technologically advanced civilization, levers are still extremely important. There are a few times where it's essential for a character to throw a lever. After a couple of these situations, this reliance on levers caused me to raise my eyebrow... while my son cheered "Throw that lever!" On the ride home, I brought up the silly use of levers. My son quickly shut me up by reminding me that Obi Wan Kenobi had to throw several levers in order to shut down the tractor beam in Star Wars. Yep. He shut me up real good.

If you are a Star Wars fan, you must see the movie ASAP. If you are the parent of a Star Wars fan, you must take them ASAP... and if you go in with the right attitude, you will have a lot of fun.

As far as the appropriate age for this movie... as always, that depends on each individual child. The movie has WARS in the title so there are going to be quite a few deaths. None of them are graphic. The following line will be the only spoiler. If you aren't worried about kids, there is no need to read the following sentence. The movie opens with Jyn Erso, the main character, as a young child. Her mother is shot and killed by a blaster bolt in front of her. Then her father is taken away. My daughter was sad but not devastated. She was FAR more traumatized by The Good Dinosaur (which happens to be one of the worst children's movies I have ever seen).

This is typical of the battle scenes in the movie.
If your child would be scared by this, you better wait.

This movie is not suited for very young children. It relies more heavily on action than even The Force Awakens. There is no "cute" droid to distract the little ones.

One final note from the part of me that is a serious Star Wars fan. The writers didn't screw anything up... unlike the prequels. Episode III Revenge of the Sith had one job: show us how Darth Vader became Darth Vader. In my opinion, George Lucas failed miserably. I do not have the same feeling about this movie. The writers had one job (I know it's obvious but in order to avoid any spoilers, I'm not going to write what that one job was )and they did a fine job.

Geeky Dad's Movie Guide

Number of times I fell asleep: 0
Number of eye rolls: 1 ( I had to put at least one for all of the levers plus one bad joke)
Number of face palms: 0
Number of times my kids asked to go to the bathroom or get food out of sheer boredom: 0
Number of times I checked steemit: 0
Number of times I said "That's ridiculous": 0 (I was willing to totally suspend disbelief)
Did my kids like it: My 11 year old son: YES!!!!!!!! My 9 year old daughter: yes?
Would I see it without my kids: Absolutely. I am a Star Wars geek and I was not disappointed at all.
Full price/Matinee/Rental/Free/Not worth the time: Full Price (Full Price three times for my son and I)

Have you seen it yet? What did you think?

Image Links 1, 2, 3, 4


I skipped. I hated the color scheme because it is too dark unlike the other films of the franchise.

I actually thought of adding that to the review. The first half hour looked very dark. But after that I stopped noticing. The action picking up sure helped...

I went with my boys ,we saw it in 3d but I don't remember anything that was obviously 3d...this is probably a good thing as they haven't used the gimmicky 3d effects we used to see in earlier movies. I want to go back and see the 2d version and see all the stuff I obviously missed first time around.

The fact that you want to go back is a good sign... I'm doing the opposite, we saw it in 2d but will see it in 3d in a couple of weeks. 3d distracts me too much (usually). But it seems like it may not be a problem with this movie. Thanks for letting me know about that!

One more thing, I loved the way you titled your review.
From one geeky dad to another.

We geeks need to stick together! LOL

You have pretty much mastered the art of movie reviews. Love it!

I love the Star Wars franchise (who doesn't) and I can't wait to see this. Thankfully, even as an adult I can totally go as a kid which means I will have a great time like your son did! :D

I appreciate the compliment, but mine are just based on pure fun. If you want to see real movie reviews on steem check out https://steemit.com/@mandibil.

I would rather read the ones that are based on pure fun :)

lol! I aim to please.

My pleasure! Thanks for taking the time to look at it. It was fun to write.

RS for you

Not seen it yet but will soon. I am kinda stuck at home w my injuries.

--- have a good weekend

I hope you heal quickly and feel better soon.

Very nice! Thanks for this review :D

Thank you very much! I enjoy your work on here as well. I hope if you see the movie, yo have fun!

Thanks a lot too!
Sure I will enjoy the movie, just haven't had a chance to watch it yet :D

What an awesome review, bro. Gonna try to watch it over the weekend after your recommendation.

Thank you and God bless.... 😃

Thanks! If you go into it expecting silly to have fun, I think you will enjoy it.

I guess it all depends on perspective. If you look at it through the lens of an adult movie goer... it may fall short. If you look at it as a fun movie made for kids (or people who can still pretend to be kids) I think it can be fun. But I can't say either perspective is wrong.

i want to believe oyu can do a fun movie for children and still be a good movie for everyone! just look at last year's Star Wars. Enjoyed it immensely.

I definitely liked Force Awakens more but I still had fun at this one. Which is all I really needed.

Great review. Thanks Han!

Thanks! I am so biased though. I really love Star Wars and was really happy with the last movie. Plus sitting next to
My son who kept saying "oh my gosh look at that!!!!" Really added to my experience.

We were really pinching pennies when Episode I came out. But I had just received $50 as a gift and decided to take the family out for a movie and... well, can't do much more than a movie in LA for $50 for the family, unless you're a single dad with one kid. But, I'm not, so the four of us went.
It was cool to take the boys. They were teenagers, but we all loved the flick (well, wifey could take it or leave it, but appreciated seeing her boys enjoy it).
Fifteen years ago we were having lightsaber duels with our padded practice swords. I tried a staff, but thought I was a bit more skilled than I actually was. Later we took aikido together and all three of us developed a new appreciation for the skill involved.
They were fun days. Now the boys are raising their own in a town far far away, to far for me to have duels with. Treasure every moment and keep on making those memories. Thanks for sharing some of them with us.

That is awesome! I didn't like Episode I until I watched it while sitting next to my son. It really changed the experience entirely. I think the best thing about the return of the franchise is that it reminds people of their good memories of the the times in their lives when the previous ones came out. That you for sharing tis story. It made me smile. I hope some day you can get together with the kids and watch this one. Maybe it's not the best movie ever... but it can create some awesome memories!

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