Wrong Motive, Contributed By @Olawalium

in #motive5 years ago


I am really angry. Oh! Okay, scratch that. I am not angry but I am totally disappointed. How could someone make such a ludicrous statement and still have conscience clear enough to sleep at night? You might be cute but that doesn’t make you funny. Because you took a vow doesn’t mean you know how to love and because you speak Latin doesn’t mean you know how to speak.

Okay, I am calm now, so let me walk you through it, hahahaha. I needed to get you to start wondering first because I drive home my point and hopefully, we don’t have people who would be thinking the way this lady thought in the story I am about to share with you all.

I always say it, a relationship is not by force. You would marvel at some strange reasons why some people actually want to marry. It would make you doubt if they actually know what they are getting themselves into and it would make you question their sanity.


We all need to understand that being in a relationship requires a lot of commitment and some basic understanding. Now, moving to marriage, you need to not only be sure, but you need to be ready mentally, sexually, spiritually, morally, socially and even financially. There are some torture you don’t need to put yourself through that can actually be avoided. Love is not always enough, common sense is a vital ingredient to have too.

Many people are led by the way they feel towards the person they have come to love and they jump blindly into the next phase without thinking twice. You must go into marriage with your heart and your head; I shared this few days ago, so I wouldn’t try to repeat it. Marriage is a big step and you need to be honest with yourself and ask yourself why you are getting married. The answer you come up with will determine the challenges you would face in it.

…to be continued…

Thank you for your time.

My pen doesn’t bleed, it speaks, with speed and ease.

Still me,

My tongue is like the pen of a ready writer.

Olawalium; (Love’s chemical content, in human form). Take a dose today: doctor’s order.

If you enjoyed this post, follow @Olawalium


Marriage has no joy and celibacy has no pleasure. The truth is going for marriage with only love is really not enough without the basic things such as those you have mentioned above to keep the marriage progressing. Do people truly love again ? Nowadays, compatibility is not matters before you full in love it is true that you get to know well things about the person you are going out with which determines whether you two are for each other. Love only won't be enough to keep the marriage going. It takes a lot more than that, don't just be blindfolded by love without using your head and don't be pushing too much or else you will find yourself to blame. Remember they can help you marry a wife but they won't help you feed her which is why you must be ready.

Readiness! That is key. People can pressurize you and the society can mandate you to get married but no one will stay with you in the marriage. This is why I always shout that people need to understand what they are doing. They need to stop yielding to the dictates of others and let others run their lives when the choice is entirely theirs to make.

Thanks a lot, brother.

Dear friend!
Preparing for a marriage means that you are ready to fulfill your obligation towards society by mental form and heart. Marriage means that we are ready to take up all the responsibilities that one has to face as a social person. Marriage does not mean only physical attraction or pleasure but also the combination of two holy souls. Anyway, the unmarried person is seen in society. One thing should be fixed in mind if we are prepared mentally only then we should get married. There is no age limit for marriage

Beautiful. There is no age limit in marriage and it is a call to responsibility. Many people leave the responsibility aspect out and are drawn only by the emotions and the physical. It is a wrong approach to have. People need to understand that being married is a call to a lifetime of responsibilities and sacrifices.

Thanks a lot, my friend. So glad to have you here.

Until alot of folks understood the difference between wedding and marriage, i think they will be more careful in venturing into such life long and forever commitment. Like I always say, its a forever journey. its like the Journey Elijah undertook for 40 days after eating the meal from the birds ofcourse sent by God. You have got to be prepared and interestingly for me Money amongst other things comes last.
i wait to read till the end.

thanks for sharing

A lot of people focus on the ceremony and not the main event. They focus on the wedding and not the marriage itself. They are very well prepared for the wedding thereby forgetting the life of responsibilities and sacrifices that lies ahead. A proper reorientation is needed.

Thanks for this. Duly appreciated.

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