Creating a Pathway to Success - Esteem Exclusive

in #motivational6 years ago

No one gets to the place called destination without moving. Infact moving is a small element of it, we definitely need to be moving in the right direction and possibly the precise pacing. So why do I say pacing? Because if we're too slow, we might miss the bus of opportunity which is critical to accomplishment and eventual success. We mustn't miss it!


What are we driving at here? We have to keep moving in the right direction and the route in that direction may not even exist yet. What do we do then? We create the pathway. We don't have to follow others and copy them to be somebody. We'll lose who we are in the process and will never find fulfillment that way. We have to create our own unique way. It may be rough and sometimes apparently impossible but we must go on. We must plan and execute with a certain level of focus and precision so we aren't deterred by others.


A unique pathway guarantees some level greatness. With time, people will naturally notice something new and different. So don't ever be ashamed of what makes you odd. It's also what makes you special so you need to invest time and money in it to create a successful pathway to success. It's not the responsibility of others to do it, it's yours to identify and get the job done. Wishing you all the very best.


No short cuts, you need to find and create a successful pathway to succeed.

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