I have come to understand one thing in life. As a man, you have a lot of responsibilities. First ,you must be successful. How do you become successful? You must learn to start. How do you start? You must learn to believe you can do a particular task. Yes if you can develop this kind of mindset, you will go higher in life. Quote me right now, in this present generation, everyone wants to associate with people who are successful and that is just the truth. Another thing you must do is to check the kind of friends that you keep. There are some friends that you will have and you are finished in life. There is this guy i know, he is a good guy actually but the kind of friends he kept, ruined him and today he is ruined. Learn to avoid some people in your life. For goodness sake,you do not need all the guys, select positive minded people,successful people, study them, ask them how they made it in life, be humble while following them, believe me there is no how you will follow a successful man and you will not be influenced by that success. You will come to see yourself succeeding also. In this our generation, if you are not successful, a lot of people will look down on you, even your family can look down on you because they just simply know you are a big minus to them. To be successful, you must pay a price and that price is working hard,there is no other way to success, just like our daddy @ejemai said yesterday in stach acceleration hub in uyo launch that even in his dreams, he feels himself and he can even work in his dream even when he is in the dream, this is deep and powerful to those who understands the need to be great and successful.
My dear guys, you must learn to believe in that little dream, nurture it, groom it, be consistent with it, continue to be focused, believe me one day, that little effort will yield huge success. I have come to understand that in life, everything is possible, it is our mindset about a particular thing that determines how far we will go about that. This things are just natural, natural success is just working so hard and the result will show forth. During that early stage, you will face a lot of stress, challenges and a lot of storms but those challenges will only be temporary and not permanent ,this you must understand, do not give up ,what is worth doing, is worth having. Failing in that particular business is normal but truth is,when you do not give up,you will triumph. When i was in the university, i had a lecturer who will always tell us, there is no magic to success rather than working very hard. You can not work hard and you do not see a positive result. Being successful will make you bold in the society, it will attract people to you, it will make people respect you and it will make people listen to you when you speak.
Be positive from today, change your mindset about life, nobody owes you anything in this life, your success lies in your hand, i tell you,you can do it,it is very possible. Wake up immediately and work, work as if there is no Today, work as if you want to die, quest for success, beat your chest and say you can do it, believe in yourself ,do not let people tell you to go and sit down that you can not do it,surely, they will always tell you ,you can not do it, ignore them and work. Very soon they will believe in you and they will run back to tell you to show them the way. You are a champion and champions wins, you can win. You will agree with me that even the female folks will not want to associate with a man that is not successful, this is the society we live in and this is what we have come to see.
To every successful man, there is always a pay off some day. I want to challenge you today to go and get success, do not let anything stop you.
I assure you, nothing can stop you.
My name is Inyang John, i am here to inspire and motivate you.
wake up immediately and work that part is the most important. Most people refuse to accept that they are in a hole and therefore continue to dig themselves into the hole. Thank you for the early morning wake up call.
You are welcome my brother, everything is possible in life, we can do it if only we can work for it.
You have said it all my brother...."believe in that little dream"
Yeah ! We can be great
I agree with you totally. We don't know how much power we have within us. If only we can make that conscious decision to tap into that inner strength then we will discover that we are more than what we think we are.
You are so correct..
Complete truth bro