10 Habits Make Your Brain Weak

in #motivational7 months ago (edited)

A young boy living in a village was troubled by uncontrolled thoughts in his mind. Despite not wanting to, some thoughts keep running through his mind all the time. When he works on something, his hands, legs, and body are working. But his mind remains lost in the thought of some incident that happened in the past. He had developed the habit of building a castle in the air about his future. He often thinks one day I will do this; I will do that One day I will become a very big and successful person. He often dreams big about his future and in those dreams, he always kept himself ahead of others. And presents himself as a hero Whenever he hears or reads the story of some intelligent, great, and courageous man, so he puts himself in the place of the hero of the story and it is in his thoughts he tries to do all the brave and great things. which the hero of that story has done. He often thinks in his thoughts that one day he will become a great person. The one who has a lot of money and will have honor and respect in society. He will marry a very beautiful and polite girl and will live a happy life. He had been thinking like this for many years. He felt that his life would change suddenly He would become successful suddenly but to date no such miracle had happened, and with time, his condition was getting worse. And the biggest reason for this was his not taking action. i.e. not doing the work He had big dreams and, in his thoughts, he would also make big plans for the future. But he never took any concrete steps to turn his dreams into reality. But he had never motivated himself to work hard. The result was that he was now more than 25 years old but to date, he had not seen any dream turning into reality. That's why now that person also started realizing that he was trapped in the web of thoughts created by his mind. He keeps happy by thinking about his dreams in his thoughts in the real world, but he never makes any effort to fulfill those dreams. He knows that his mind is filled with useless thoughts and he is not living in reality but even after trying very hard, He was unable to give up this habit. He was also enjoying living in the world of his thoughts. But when he comes out of his thoughts and looks at his real situation, and if he thinks about it, he becomes sad.

Gradually this habit of his had become the cause of his stress and sadness. Now he did not talk much to his friends and family. He started remaining silent and sad throughout the day.

One day with such a sad heart he was sitting under a tree. Then one of his friends came to him and said friend, a very famous Buddhist monk has come to our village. And I have heard that he solves every problem related to mind and peace of mind very easily. I think you should meet him at least once. He can solve your problem.

The young man becomes happy after hearing from his friend and goes to meet the Buddhist monk. After some time, he reaches the Buddhist monk. Who was sitting in meditation under a tree He bowed to the Buddhist monk sat in front of him and started telling him all his problems. He said hermit, my mind is filled with innumerable thoughts all the time. In this, unnecessary thoughts always keep going on. Even when I am doing some work, my mind remains lost in some thoughts of the past or future. No matter how hard I try, he doesn't listen to me. I want to calm this troubled mind of mine. I want to empty it. I want to concentrate on what I have failed so far Sage; I have come to you with great expectations. Please show me some way.

After listening carefully to all the words of that young man, the Buddhist monk said Life will be happy and the mind will be peaceful only when you stop making the mistakes you are making. What mistakes are you making and how to clear your mind? Today I will tell you about this in detail Listen carefully.

The first mistake is not getting enough sleep. Not getting enough sleep harms the body and mind in many ways. If you don't get enough sleep, your memory becomes weak.... stress, irritability, feeling tired all the time and one has to face problems like facial glow. Apart from this, less sleep also affects the brain's ability to solve problems. And the brain has difficulty doing comparative studies. That is why it is important to have at least 5 to 6 hours of deep sleep every day. Sleep is important for our lives because it is a medium to protect our physical and mental health. Getting enough deep sleep every day increases our physical capacity. Reduces mental stress and improves quality of life. Sleep has a very important place in our daily routine. Because it gives us relief from fatigue and stress of the day. If for some reason you are not getting enough sleep then it is having a bad effect on your physical and mental health. Lack of sleep in the aspect of your body health can reduce your physical ability. Because during sleep, our body gets repaired and cleaned and its energy level improves. Due to continuous lack of sleep not only does the quality of life deteriorate but also the immune system of our body starts weakening due to which the risk of diseases increases in the aspect of mental health, Not getting enough sleep can increase mental stress and affect mental health. Lack of sleep increases mental stress and anxiety. which can affect your daily routine, your ability to make decisions, and your enthusiasm Due to lack of sleep, can also affect the educational work of children and youth. It can affect their memory and morality. Which can stop their educational work. Apart from this, not getting enough sleep also affects your lifestyle. lack of sleep can also cause your attention, dedication, and relationships may also have problems. In short, in maintaining our physical and mental health sleep plays an important role. We can improve the quality of our lives by getting good and deep sleep.

The second mistake is not paying attention to the quantity and quality of food. And eat anything and how much at any time. Some people have the habit of eating more spicy and sweet food. They have a habit of eating more flour, sugar, and oil products. Such people feel that if they limit food in life, then what is left in life? What is the fun in life? As a person born in this world only to eat? Some people have got into the habit of eating all the time. They were eating even though they were not hungry. forcefully put anything into the stomach as if it is not a stomach but a garbage bin. Eating anything does not only affect the body weight. Rather, it also has a bad effect on mental strength. Consuming foods made from flour, oil, sugar, and excess salt leads to an increase in body weight and the birth of many diseases. And which hurts our thoughts and feelings. because a sick body makes the person's mind also sick. Due to this, the person starts falling mentally ill as well. And becomes a victim of stress and anxiety. That is why a person should pay special attention to the proper quantity of food and its quality.

The third mistake is excessively hectic life and thinking that stopping is prohibited. Some people think that life goes on like this only. Wrong, no matter how hectic life is, but stop, if you keep running. Then you will fall gasping that you won't be able to get up. So take some time for yourself amidst the hustle and bustle of life. Give yourself time and try to find what makes you happy and what work you enjoy doing. Question yourself try to know yourself and see when you do some work feeling calm and refreshed from within. So, in a very short time, you will start getting very good results in the same work. But if you keep running all the time, you will be tired. You will find that it takes you more time to do every work. It takes a lot of energy, yet don't feel happy from within. So, there is no need to run so much A feeling of competition is instilled in a person since childhood. By the environment around him and his parents, because there is no need to run away so much, life can be lived peacefully.

And by remaining calm and composed even with simple efforts great successes can be achieved Fourth thing is to identify one such bad habit of yours. And completely remove it from your life which is the biggest obstacle in the path of your success. Every human being has some such bad habit. Which causes the most harm. Which does not allow him to move forward or pull him back because when a person is not moving forward, he is moving backward with time. Now a habit can be anything like the habit of putting work on hold habit of overthinking, the habit of worrying or arguing. Whatever habit you feel is causing you the most harm. Recognize it and start trying to improve it today. Although, it is not so easy to change habits everything is possible to change if you have that strong determination and resilience inside you. And if you try continuously then it will become your new habit. and the old habit will go away on its own.

Fifth mistake: Making bigger promises than necessary. You must promise and you must be firm on your promise. Those who make a promise and fulfill it have a different respect in society. People like them more but we should never make any promise that we cannot fulfill or that we have doubts about fulfilling. Along with it, we should also know how to say no. We don't need to say yes to everything done by others, always try to do good in their eyes. We should also know how to refuse. Promise only as much as you can. If you go beyond your capabilities and give words to someone. Then you feel pressure on yourself You will be filled with stress Besides, the other person's unnecessary expectations will also get attached to you. And when you can't complete them, then you will put too much pressure on yourself. to complete them or become bad in the eyes of others which will then create more stress in you. So do as much as you can and as much as is easy for you. Then look at how much peace comes in life.

The sixth mistake: criticize yourself internally and feel weak and inferior to others If you have a habit of talking bad about yourself always look for shortcomings in yourself. If you curse yourself every day then you don't need any outside enemy. Because then you alone are enough for yourself. If you have a habit of criticizing yourself then leave it from today itself. Because by doing this you have made your life hell. love, cherish, and accept yourself Speak positively about yourself If you have committed some mistake then tell yourself that it is good that you realized this mistake. I'm a person who learns from my mistakes and moves forward. So what it means to say is that when a mistake occurs, instead of constantly blaming oneself and falling in one's own eyes, one should learn from the mistake and move forward. Because thinking bad about yourself inside binds you in such chains. Then he is unable to break it and lies there mentally fighting and suffering. So, if it's in you to talk bad about yourself then leave it as soon as possible. Only then will life become beautiful.

Seventh mistake: Keeping the mind filled with bad memories and negative thoughts of the past. Holding on to bad memories of something bad that happened in the past Years ago, someone said something bad Still keeping his words in mind There was failure in some work, and are still sad about it. When a person carries so much burden and negative thoughts in his mind then how can he remain calm and happy? So, clear your mind and your brain. Learn from your body. The body cleans itself every day. As soon as he wakes up in the morning, he expels all the dirt from inside through urine and stool. So, in the same way, remove the dirt from your mind every day. Every day before sleeping, clear all the inner turmoil, resentment, and complaints from yourself and others. Along with this, take out time every morning and practice meditation and pranayama. Your life will become much happier.

Eighth Mistake: Having unrealistic expectations, it is human nature to have expectations but when expectations become baseless and excessive then it always keeps us stressed. Makes us fight with others and then we start being unsatisfied with our lives. We start seeing more negative things in our lives. It seems as if our wishes will never be fulfilled. We carry a whole burden of unfulfilled desires on our heads. And it starts feeling as if we are being buried under this pressure. Feeling disappointed with life, don't feel like achieving goals Don't feel like having good relationships. Don't feel like eating good food. Don't feel like going anywhere. We completely create an atmosphere of stress and sadness around us. That is why it is very wrong to have unrealistic and unreasonable expectations. Always have realistic and fair expectations and always assume that even with these realistic expectations, there may be some ups and downs. Sometimes things won't get done even if they happen and all these incidents are common. What could not happen today will happen tomorrow. What couldn't happen yesterday will happen the day after tomorrow the world is built on hope but do not under any circumstances bring yourself to worry and stress. To remain calm and steady.

Ninth mistake: Not being able to stay away from bad people or bad relationships. If there is a relationship then it should be good in which there is love, care, and respect. But if you are in a relationship with a selfish and cunning person who is a daily headache Anger and coaxing continue in relationships Have to push yourself a lot You live in fear and only anger remains inside you. So, distance yourself from such relationships it's better to have none it's so relaxing to be alone but if there is someone who is a daily headache. Then life gets destroyed If there are such close relationships with them that cannot be completely abandoned then in such a situation limit the relations. And eliminate from your life all the people you can get rid of. And bring peace into your life.

After saying this, the Buddhist monk finished his speech. And then said that these were a few mistakes, and if you correct them then your life will again be filled with peace, tranquility, and happiness.

Friends, another mistake which keeps our mind disturbed and restless in today's time. That is excessive use of digital devices and social media. Now in today's time, it is almost impossible to completely separate digital devices from our lives. But those who use these devices without any reason. Those who have no business will remain stuck and will keep watching Netflix and scrolling social media to the extent of madness, they will spend the whole day on this device. This habit is very bad. Use it as much as is necessary for your work. But even in this, it is necessary to take breaks in between. Otherwise, it will spoil many things inside you. The glow on your face is reduced and your sleep is also affected. By creating the habit of overthinking, it creates stress in you. That's why you have to keep your distance from them as much as possible. Because we can just give up some things like junk food it is not practically possible to completely give up digital devices. Because nowadays everything is connected to technology and if we do a complete digital detox then we will not be able to move forward in our lives. That is why it should not be abandoned completely but should be limited. Some things have to be given up and some things have to be limited. limit it life will be better.


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