Simple Ways to Gain the Respect of OtherssteemCreated with Sketch.

in #motivationlast year

I recommend completing the test below to find out. This test was created to identify unintentional disrespectful actions. The result lets you easily estimate your respected status. Several statements relate to your and others' interactions. What is the objective of this request? The spiritual rule of the triangle states that our attitudes towards others reflect how we see ourselves, and vice versa. Like other spiritual principles, this one applies to many people and situations.

Please be careful while assigning a numerical value between 0 and 10 to each statement, with 0 indicating a rare occurrence and 10 indicating a frequent occurrence. Take into account your personal and professional life.

  • I sometimes accede to demands that don't suit me out of respect for the other person or fear of condemnation. I can't respond without user text. If


  • I sometimes use indirect language to communicate my objectives since I struggle to do it directly. I can't respond without your text. Could you?
  • I naturally help others, even if they don't ask. I can't respond without user text. If
  • I use many approaches to gently persuade someone with different beliefs. Unfortunately, I cannot respond without user text. Please provide.

My independence is strong when it comes to regulations I struggle to support. I can't respond without user text. If

I sometimes feel like others' opinions are being stressed. I can't respond without user text. If

I sometimes analyse several factors before buying a purchase that would bring me delight, which leads me to decide against it or choose a cheaper option. I can't respond without user text. If

  • Before taking a break, I try to finish everything. I can't respond without your text. Could you?
  • I'm picky about people with different viewpoints. I regret, but I can't respond without your text.
  • I haven't prioritised my health and physical needs enough. I can't respond without text or context. Could you?

Now that you know the level of disrespect you may face, you may calculate your respect percentage. I suggest being more aware of situations where you think others are disrespecting you. This will show you that others may disagree. Consider how you see them personally first.

When someone intervenes in your personal concerns and tries to change your mind, you may not respect them. An opposing view would see them as confident or self-assured. Some disrespect may be included in these words.

Remember that our self-treatment often affects how we treat others. Thus, many opportunities exist to recognise your self-respect.

Definition or explanation of self-respect? Embrace your true self, recognise your needs, and stay focused even when others disagree. Value and promote respect for our shared living environment. It's also the ability to firmly share our opinions without holding back or expecting too much.

Without self-respect, love might be difficult. Shares similarities with others. When one doesn't fully grasp or comprehend their perspective, it's crucial to nurture compassion and respect, acknowledging that their requirements may differ from yours.

Finally, I suggest asking one or two people who know you to complete this test based on their opinions of your responses. Answers may differ from yours. Instead of presuming others understand you (misunderstanding), explore other viewpoints and thoughts. Their feedback and comments must be carefully considered. This allows one to lay aside biases and learn about oneself from others.


Gaining the respect of others is a process that requires integrity, effective communication, empathy, and consistency. By embodying these qualities in our interactions with others, we can foster positive relationships and earn the respect we desire.

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