How can we find meaning in our crises, whether personal or collective?steemCreated with Sketch.

in #motivation7 months ago

The crisis: a beneficial or a bad factor?

In the context of "the crisis" (whether it be economic, health, medical, psychological, sentimental, etc.), we are accustomed to observing simply a collection of disruptions, dysfunctions, and disasters, with the sole intention of concentrating on a single perspective.

There are energies at play, which obscures the dynamic potential that is contained within each and every crises.

The crisis, however, can be seen as a summons to refocus, to make choices, and to question and examine what is no longer working. This is in addition to the disaster and its apparent inevitability, which we feel as an interruption of reality that reminds us that nothing is permanent and that we cannot always control EVERYTHING.


It is a time that is conducive to change, and it requires us to let go with vigilance. This is the only thing that will allow us to move forward and triumph over the tragedy.

This not only informs us that something is coming to an end but also that something else has to take shape; it also brings us back into the flow of life, which is characterised by change, adaptability, and movement...

It encourages us to let go of our rigidities, to reevaluate our certainties, and to maintain an open-minded perspective on the world in its current state, rather than in the way that we would like it to be...

On the condition that this price is met, the crisis can finally make sense! It is still necessary for us to be able to hear it: to pause, to accept what is presenting itself, and to refrain from attempting to keep the stagnant situation and our previous ways of doing things at any cost.

Last but not least, once all has been heard, comprehended, and incorporated, would we be able to restructure our energy in order to create a new equilibrium?

In the field of therapy, this is possibly even more true than in other contexts. A crisis can be defined as the manifestation of a desire for significant change that cannot be articulated in any other way. This desire cannot be expressed in any other way because a portion of the subject is resistant to change and finds benefits in being unchanged.

After then, the therapeutic effort will consist of putting the subject back into motion and assisting them in letting go of the potentially lethal benefits of their symptom by choosing life instead.

It is not an issue of rejecting the subject's suffering, nor is it a question of pushing them to repress their sentiments and emotions; on the contrary, it is a question of how to encourage them to do so!

But once the suffering has been expressed, accepted, and heard, it will be a matter of not allowing it to crystallise, and of inviting the subject to let go of the benefits that he could find in remaining a "victim," in order to allow him to become an actor once more. it is the history of the subject that constitutes the indicator of good resilience.

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