An Eagle Approach (Part 1)

in #motivation7 years ago (edited)

We are all conversant with an eagle and we shall be taking our case study from there. We shall explore some features of an eagle and we will understand the relationship with humans. In this section we will learn how to give a right approach to issues and achieve excellence results, We will learn how to deal with situations and circumstances of life.

An approach is very essential in the decisions we make in life, it can affect us positively or negativity. It also goes a long way in defining our success rate. An approach is what makes the difference and outstanding. For an individual to acquire an expected result, a right approach should be put in place. We shall take a look at some qualities of an eagle and it's relationship to humans. We will be considering two qualities in this section.

Point 1


An eagle is a high flier.

An eagle in this context flies at a high and great altitude. One should aim to be at the top and nothing less of it. When an individual's target is being ahead, he's way of and he's way of thinking changes. He diligently does the needful in order to achieve his objectives. There may come a point in a man's life when going further may look difficult and unbearable but by being courageous with hardwork, success is achieved. Flying high is one of attributes of a good leader. For one that is aspiring to be great, you don't settle at the bottom, you take a bold and radical steps, make a move, by being in motion you will realize that you have achieved much. When an individual decides to fly high, he takes every necessary guidelines and instructions to actualize it. If going greater heights are your aspirations, there are things to do.

Tips on becoming a high flier

Don't be a mediocre;

  • You can be the best in that field only when you decide to accept responsibility. Don't be an average or the least person in any aspect of life. When high flying is in view, mediocrity should not be an option.

Go for adequate knowledge;

  • To excel in life, one should go for relevant information. The level of understanding an individual has, distinguishes him from the other. It takes adequate knowledge for an individual to be a high flier and to get a detailed description about his targets and inspirations and to actualize it.

Don't Procrastinate;

  • Procrastination is delaying to do something especially when it should be done urgently. Acting promptly in a given assignment is a sign of determination and seriousness which goes a long way in showing the level of a man's commitment. "Show me a man who acts promptly and I will show you a man whose sky is the starting point"

Point 2


An eagle is focused.

Maximum concentration is required to achieve a set out goal.Someone rightly said that if you don't know where you are going or where your destination is, everywhere will look like it. When you don't know your purpose, you can't make plans or have a target. As we know, when the purpose of a thing is not known, abuse is inevitable. It's only when your purpose is in view that you that you walk towards it's fulfilment. When we have an eagle approach, we should not give room for distractions. One should pay adequate attention to the dictates surrounding the objectives. An eagle does not give up until his target is achieved. It is related to us as persons. In pursuing our vision, their is a need to get studious, engrossed. Taking responsibility makes the vision a reality. For instance, an individual has a target of making a specific amount of profit in his business, he puts in a high level of concentration to meet up with the demands.

Benefits of staying focused

  • When an individual is focused, he has the ability to solve problems better. You know when one's attention is not divided concerning an area of life. He gets a better result.

  • Staying focused enhances clarity which makes it easy to know what your targets are, there by making adequate plans to achieve it.

  • When you are focused, you take perfect decisions. Some important decisions should be taken when one is in a right frame of mind. Decisions are very vital in determining our success rate.

  • Staying focused creates room for an easy flow of imaginative ideas. When an individual is focused, ideas comes easily without much stress.

  • Staying focused makes an individual to be at the top of it all.

In Conclusion, I will like to make a scriptural reference;

Your strength shall be renewed like the eagles, you shall soar on wings like the eagles, you shall not be weary when you run neither shall you faint when you walk. (Paraphrased by me) Isaiah 40: 31.

We have been able to learn some interesting facts about an eagle approach in this section, Please stay tuned for the second section.

@yvo says thanks for reading

Images are from pixabay



Trust me, this piece key into every facet of human life. The ability to conquer one's fear of a particular task or duty is based on the approach one adopts. The moment you believe you can't accomplish that mission, that's the end. Influence of thousands of experts may not accomplish that mission one's behalf.

Self-belief, self-motivation is very important. When the motivation comes from within, their would be full concentration, persistence, and dedication.

Thanks for sharing and best wishes!

Thank you for reading.

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