How To Play Your Own Game

Our days are full of competitions that make up the game of life.

The first competition we won was this one...

first selfie.jpg

(Your first Selfie!!!)

Within our DNA we are designed to compete and win. This is more obvious in some people then others, but deep down we all have the drive to achieve and get results.

It is with this competition and drive that allows so many people to keep achieving better and better results that yesterday seemed impossible.

Think about it...

For a long time the 4 Minute Mile was thought to be impossible. It wasn't until 1954 when Roger Bannister ran a mile in 3:59.4 that this belief was shattered.

The limits on what we can achieve is limited primarily by our minds.

Here are some key barriers and limiters that can be removed and your game reach a new level.

- Self Doubt: Forget whether this is a nature vs. nurture debt. We all have moments of self doubt in our lives. This is especially when going against the norm, learning something new and pushing the limits that you previously had. The best part about self doubt, as it has to do with 'self' which is YOU! This means you have the capacity to change this self doubt into self belief!
This is minimizing it a little, but you get the point!

- Social Pressure: Social and Cultural stereotypes and beliefs are extremely powerful. They allow societies to function 'harmoniously' and along common lines. The problem with this is that it can also bring some severe limitations as people that want to excel and play at levels way above the 'norm'...there is now social backlash as you begin to push against the masses.
This is what you need to fight and fight HARD!

- Indoctrination: Formal education and many other institutions are constantly indoctrinating societies. What ever country you are in will impact on the perspective and beliefs that are taught to you from your family, friends and the school system. While we 'refuse' to ever think this happens to us within our own framework, we are quick to point out how this is done in 'other places'. Stop and your own research and question everything.

- Acceptance of Average: The quickest way a society will collapse is by accepting average on a consistent basis. By not striving for greatness, pushing new limits and expecting excellence...mediocre results will become the new normal. People that do push the limits will be seen as outcasts and the downward spiral will begin. Who wants to be average when you can be amazing! Who wants to struggle and be 'middle class' when you can be so much more? Remember...Average Sucks!

You have a choice daily to win or lose...the competition is going on whether you are actively playing or not.

So ask yourself the question...

Am I playing to WIN or just playing?

One thing that I have done to make my game more consistent and fun is actually playing with other people and tracking my points!

You can do this as well, along with so many other great benefits by just heading here:

Here's to Playing Your Own Game!

Andrew Croot

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