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RE: That Which Cannot Be Bought

in #motivation6 years ago

what is your right to down grade my expression, based on not actually investigating the person before you even d . jack-t-ass-(k-t-) a-ye- (a-) t- ass- (k-) t- a- r- e- d/d- he-ye- (a-) t- u- b- Lack- t- a- p- ass- (k-) t- greenstar, lukestokes, quochuy, samuel douglas THESE ARE YOUR WITNESSES PAID TO KEEP JACK-T-ASS-K- T- A-BE-AD-0F-T- H-C- 0/M-P- (L-) E- A- T- (B-) U/N- E/E- (D-) K- T- HIE-VEN-D-E/B-T- A- RE- D- E/B- T- ASS- (N-) E/E- K- T-
YOU ARE NOT ACTUALLY investigating the person before you tu b e/e n (d) ea.r (t/h) d your witnesses are jack-t-ass-(k-) tu-b- Lack-t-

writer of age, on steemit downvoted me for using my eyes and applying 0/d e/b t 0 w/h 0/d (0) be (a)d 0ff r0m e'ye (i.d.) s i'd e s : my comment does not deserve a down vote, it is thoughtfull, further more, woa, writer of age, didn't leave a comment.

"writer- t- 0ff- ag- e- " downvoted my every comment. i think these are working worthy comments. in contrast to what he is down voting, his bed desire is imbecility e-a-t- 0/0-t- he- t- iLL- (e-) D- his fiction is only -e- s- (m-) a- id- to look and to s-t-(e-) aLL-(h-)d- e/b- t- ass- (k-) tu-be- t- (h-) a- w/-a-r-e-d- t-he-t- can only keep his masculinity and desire and "creative capacity" if he isn't really lending 0 value w/e i.d. e/b t ass (k) t a r(h) e a.d. but you do understand the dunder -e-d-0f-t- preference for his-t-debt- 0-s/s- (0-)t- is so he can keep going in self -congratulate-d mediocrity , with no interference he would lent inn ye (a) t. why ? b.c. his fake face- d- and e-g-(u-) e- s/s- t- u- re- d- needs red character reference to all-a- w/-he-ye- (a-) t- 0ff- t- 0/0-t-he-re- (d-0-) f-ace-d- he is using women as the "men-d" he doesn't give an honest fuck in life, and doesn't want a buck t 0ff 0'r (e'ye) i/t . i am saying, his creativity is soundly resting on squatting on w(h) 0/m e/n d (0ff) at e sustainable ad e/b t 0/0 t/h f ace (t/h) a.d. e ve (in)n (d) ate . so you understand why he down votes me, it is to maintain his fiction-nail-lend- e/b-t-ass- (k-) tu-be-d- be wise women

you are plagarizing 0/d ew/e i.d.


you didn't come from love to make it stay. your wife is at f-(all-) t- for letting ye-w/e- t- (b-) rig- ht- 0/n- e/n-e-me-ye- (a-) t- (b-) 0/0- (k-) t- h- f- ace- d- 0- w/-(h-) r- i/t- (e-) in- (d-) e/e-d- 0f- t- he- g/g- (u-) e-s/s- (t-) at- (b-) e- L/L- (he-) ye- a- c- he- r/r- (e-) d- he- t- a- re- (a-) p- (a-) L-ace- d- 0f- ace- d- (h-) e- aLL- t- a- re- d/d- he-ye- w/-he-ye- (a-) t- ass- (m-) at- e-ye- (a-) t-

you are a jack-t-ass-(k-) t-a- r-e-d- making s- (h-) i/t- (he-ad-) up- e- d- with no one you would have t 0 w/h 0 re a L/L (D) at (h) e a.d.

"le-t-s" wax and wane for only the altar ye-w/00-d- 0- w/-he-t- ass- k- t- he- s- (e-) am-e- (n-) d- e/b- t- (b-) ass- (k-) t- 0/n- e- d- (s-) am-e-(n-)d-

[-]xubrnt (1) · 27 minutes ago
you are a jack-t-ass-(k-) t-a- r-e-d- making s- (h-) i/t- (he-ad-) up- e- d- with no one you would have t 0 w/h 0 re a L/L (D) at (h) e a.d. ~ debt (b) as (k/t) s up t . ye-w/-he-t- d id kn 0/t (h/c) a re (ye) a.d. debt ass (m) u ch t ~ 0ff t/h (b) (r) 0ugh t ~ (h/c) a r/r e'ye (id) s (L) 0/t ~ t 0/0 t/h (a)d s (p) ea (k) t (ass) up t

ye-we- only care about what the h-and- (L-) e- (f-) t- h- (c-) an- d- e/b- t- ass- k- t- (h-) a- (s/s-) p- Luck- t- (a-) b- (0-) u- t/t- (h-) e-re- e- L/L- (h-) and- 0/u- (be-) t-

ass-k- t- 0- w/- h0- re- (d-) sir-e- d- am-0/u-(n-) t- he-ad- 0/u- (be-) t-

Thank you for giving me so much of your time, effort and attentions. Maybe had your content portrayed a thought, an idea, some sense of...well...sense I would have seem it. Sadly it seems ridden with spastic and illegible structure. The effort taken to try to decipher the trolling messages you so keenly believe are true, are not welcome on my page.

Also...pretty sure you cant plagerize yourself, as I moved my blog to #steemit.

Take care and try not to burn yourself on the way out.

t-(h-) e/m- p- (0-)L-e- (d-) g- e- (n-) d- 0f- t- a- gain- d- 0f- -(t-he-h-) a- n- d-

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