Lone Wolf Mentality - Bad News Bears

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The Lone Wolf Mentality.

The lone wolf lives by the belief that they have to do life alone...that no one truly has their back...that everyone is just in it for themselves. Lone Wolf Mentality

This is an interesting point. It's a kind of super hero point. Where, within ego - we are super hero's in our own mind. Believing we are better than we are and that it's always an, "I got this, I can do it myself...I don't need anybody's help."

This, "I'll do it myself...I don't need any help is problematic." It breeds isolation. First, lets be clear that it's not an either or type thing....like either your completely 100% absolutely independent or your not...you're dependent.

And actually you know what, it kind of is an either or in this instance.....

Everyone is dependent upon one another whether we like it or not. We live in a world/planet of interdependency. It's really that simple.

The planet functions as 1 planet made up of many working relationships.

With the interplanetary...interdependence in our existence here - it's pretty ridiculous to see how much dissonance can exist in the individual thinking here.

I relate quite a lot to the perspective of "lone wolf mentality". My thinking, coming from the starting point that, Yes - I got to look out for myself. The world...the money system is super competitive and if you want money in this world you got to be competitive too.

That was my initial attitude coming into adulthood as a young person who grew up playing sports competitively.

A point that was somewhat suppressed in the process... was that of...

Community and team building.

To stick with a sports analogy for a moment:

"Every Championship Team is a Strong Community - A real family tribe of sorts...it's many individuals working together....the same principles....the same goals.....the same discipline and the same commitment. It's a rather extraordinary thing when you really think about it"

Now, this "championship team" mentality, goes way beyond sports and isn't even really about sports per se. It's about ways of living. recognizing the best benefits of having and building strong teams/communities/networks of support.

When think about a strong team/group/network/community - the greatness really is summed up into the support and assistance available. The why this is an incubator - a home like family type things - a real place of growth and creativity.

It's the quality of your relationships that matters most

According to a 75 year Harvard Study on a Life of Fulfiment:

It doesn't matter whether you have a huge group of friends and go out every weekend or if you're in a "perfect" romantic relationship. It's the quality of the relationships - How much vulnerability and depth exists within them; how safe you feel sharing with one another, the extent to which you can relax and be seen for who you truly are, and truly see another.

Best opportunity in working and playing together

  • Think about it. It's basic mathematics. It's called compound interest.

  • Total Sum is greater than the sum total of each individual part.

  • Steemit is a platform that provides an opportunity for relationships to develop, grow and mature that would have otherwise never existed. When we participate with one another on an ongoing basis - the creative potential is beyond imagination. The crazy thing is...it just keeps emerging, surfacing through great conversation and engagement. The irony is - the base protocol of openness in discussion/communication is Sharing.


Vulnerability and Depth are Key Points in really building substantial relationships.



Your Lone Wolf Mentality is Killing You

Want a Life of Fulfilment - This 75 year Harvard Study says, Prioritize this

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When I started Steemit, it was a really lonely place for me but I as opened up myself to the community, the community also extended its hands towards me.

Loneliness and competitive attitude can get us to some heights but team work has no upper limit :)

Fabulos, what a deep insight of article you have tried to explain sir🙂. People who fall under the category of lone wolves will have difficulties in psychological adjustments. We as humans we are a social animal and when we are far from the group we became felling rejected and strange.

No matter how smart, talented, driven, or passionate one become by choosing lone wolf path, our success depends on our ability to build and inspire a team.

"Alone we can do so little, together we can do so much."
-Helen Keller

whoever wants a pearl, must dare to plunge in a deep ocean - Soekarno

our united strong, divorced we will collapse. I was afraid because of the troops, I was shy because of the appearance - yoga.

without togetherness, without helping each other, without building a network, can not possibly succeed. your post is very amazing. I really like.

An experience and a very beautiful story, after I read, your article can be a very good motivation for all visitors to your post. Thank you for sharing and hope you will be more successful for the future... :)

Good friend.
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nice post
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good article
friend thank you for sharing

hear some amazing photography....i impressed to see it.....i hope everybody like your post....thanks for shear it...

nice motivation

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