How to Cultivate a Positive Mindset and Positive Negatives

in #motivation3 years ago

The secret of developing a positive mindset is getting started. Creating a positive attitude requires first that you do something. In order to create positive momentum, you must get something started. That something starts with a decision.

A simple decision such as deciding not to procrastinate, no matter what, or to pick up the phone and call someone instead of continuing your unpleasant task will lead to positive changes. Cultivating a positive attitude also involves cultivating positive thoughts. Cultivating a positive attitude often breeds optimism, which in turn fosters positive thoughts. That hopefulness carries with it a feeling of positiveness, and that feeling of positiveness carries with it the possibility of creating more positive thoughts and situations. In other words, positivity is a cycle, and if you want to have any kind of success, that cycle needs to be broken and the desired outcome altered.

The secret of cultivating a positive focus is understanding that most people only think about a small number of issues. In order to create change, then, that tiny number of issues must be addressed and resolved quickly and effectively, with positive thinking. A common mistake is for anyone to feel discouraged, to feel bad, and to be less efficient. When everyone around you starts to focus on only a handful of issues, your own negativity magnifies and spreads, and even if you are not personally involved in those issues, you will still be distracted from the overall direction in which you want things to go.

Developing a more positive attitude means not letting all the negative around you distract you. Every day, focus on a different way to change the state of affairs in your life. There are so many different ways to deal with issues, so many different ways to get things done, that it's easy to lose sight of what's important and to start focusing on the negative in the hopes that it will motivate you to take action. But if you start focusing on the negative as opposed to positivity, then you are setting yourself up for failure and for allowing negativity to distract you from your own ability to influence the state of affairs in your life.

One way that you can start cultivating a more positive attitude is to make sure that you are doing your morning routine positively. Think of your morning routine as an opportunity to reaffirm your own positive traits and abilities. For example, make sure that you are reading a book with your eyes open before you get out of bed and onto the bathroom counter. If you have trouble reading books, then get someone else to do it for you. By affirming the positive attributes of your morning routine, you are setting the tone for what will be going on throughout the rest of the day.

Another way that you can begin the process of developing a positive mindset and positivity is to start noticing the difference between the negative and positive thoughts that you have. We all have thoughts that we express negative self-talk and thoughts that we carry around with us that tell us that we are not good enough. We may even feel bad about the way that we conduct ourselves when these negative thoughts manifest themselves in our heads. But by noticing these thoughts and replacing them with more positive ones, you can begin the process of turning your life around.

Developing a positivity that is more directed toward the good things in your life rather than the bad ones is similar to changing the default of your car's radio to a station that promotes good things. While it would be hard to hear the difference when you are concentrating on the negatives of your life, you will be able to notice it when the change is made. By making positivity a part of your life, instead of against it, you are on the path to cultivating positivity so that you can see the good in everything.

You can turn your life around by using daily affirmations that are filled with positivity and you can do this by making positivity a part of your daily routine. The first thing that you need to do is find some daily affirmations that are uplifting and make sure that you repeat them to yourself each day. It is important that you take time out of each day to focus on the good things that you have going in your life and you can use daily affirmations as a way to make this happen.


Good day, @warkite!

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