What should be my ideal plan to get a job in Google in next couple of years?

First: A very good Laptop.

Second: Internet.

Third: 10 empty notebooks. 100s of Pen/Pencil. ( For practicing the coding problems on paper)

Fourth: Focus. Extreme Focus.


Start small, understand that everything starts small. Every program starts with a # include and few random variables.

Keep Coding. Daily. It's okay if you code 1 hour a day. Just do it.

Buy paper books of Coding / Programming problems.

Learn Algorithms and Data structures.

Keep Coding. Daily. It's okay if you code half an hour a day. Keep doing it.

Make projects, softwares, web applications , learn to design websites.

Build scalable projects which deals with millions / billions of data sets.

Make mistakes, learn from them.

All the best.

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