How Do We Retrain Our Brain

in #motivationlast year

It's hard to think about creativity because it is difficult to put into words. But it's an essential part of the creative process for anyone doing freelance writing or working online, so we should at least understand the basics.

In this article, I'm going to teach you some common misconceptions that lead people astray when thinking about creativity, and how they affect our lives.

STEP 1: Creativity Is an Act of Will and Not Something That Just Happens

Creativity is a combination of several elements - imagination, intuition, feeling, and will.

Creativity is a state of mind. There's nothing you can do that will make something appear on a blank canvas, except make it possible for it to be there. Creativity happens when there is no blockage between you and the result.

It starts with ideas and inspiration, which comes from outside of ourselves. Then, we take these ideas and allow our creativity to run wild. The idea is that when you let go, your inner self is in control of your creation.

However, it doesn't work out that way. It requires both of us, the creator and the object of creation, to be present. Otherwise, you end up creating a product that looks nothing like the original idea you had in mind.

STEP 2: Creativity Can Only Happen in Certain Environments

There are certain environments that encourage creativity. They might be more common than you think. For example, they may be more common than you think.

Creativity can happen anywhere, but it's most likely to happen in places where it's allowed to. For example, you can't force creativity. But if you give someone a blank canvas, they can create whatever they want.

STEP 3: Creativity Requires a Lack of Focus

This is probably the most common misconception. You might be surprised by what you do that causes a lack of focus. In fact, you could do something perfectly without realizing it.

A big part of creativity is not having focus. You may do a task for 10 minutes before losing interest. After that, your brain will revert back to its default mode and your attention will wander away.

Creative thinking can only happen when the focus isn't on making something. Your focus should be on solving problems, not making something.

STEP 4: Creativity Is a Type of Memory

Memory and creativity are two different things. Creative thinking is memory, and it's very specific.

The idea comes first, and then the memory is built around it. The memory is like a blueprint, which gets filled in with details as needed.

In other words, creativity is building memories, not memorizing things. The difference is that while memorization is a single snapshot, creativity is a collection of memories that can be used to draw different conclusions.

STEP 5: Creativity Is Easier

We're always told that creativity is harder. This is only true if you are trying to make something that has never been made before.


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