Our Day - The Kids Day

in #motivation6 years ago

There are times when we get to celebrate some moments in our live in a beautiful style. I remember when i was growing up, I often craved to grow older faster as i thought being old brings lots of benefits. Indeed being a grown up brings lots of benefits. It equally brings lots of responsibilities. Watching my two sweet nieces grow has resurfaced some old memories of how sweet it was to be a child. They might not know it right now but they will when the responsibilities set in.

If not for anything, i remember the times when we had "OUR DAY". A time when all pupils get to celebrate the end of a successful year. You are given the best in the house. It was often our secondary "Christmas" since whatever you wanted was given to you. You dress neatly during our days. Not necessarily a school uniform but something descent. Your parents prepare your favourite dish for you and equally present some to you teachers. It is an awesome sight. All you could think about on that faithful day will be jubilation.
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Its time for my niece to go though the same experience once again. I bet they think i never got to enjoy what they are enjoying. As i sent them to school on this day, the younger of the two whispered into my ears that we will be equal very soon since they are also going to be on vacation. She had been complaining about staying home since i got back from the University. Its all a matter of time when history repeats itself again. Its just a cycle that refuses to be broken. She will be escorting either his siblings, cousin or someone to school and it will struck to her one day.
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Angel & Nana Esi my Nieces

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Its their Day, Let them enjoy it. For time surely flies.


It is always fun with "our day" but so sad when the results of termly examz announced after the celebration. Memories worth repeating. This is so beautiful @tj4real.

Hihi. Thats when everyone becomes anxious.

OUR DAY! hahahaa, It was my favourite day when I was a little boy in school. I guess your nieces are enjoying theirs too. They are so cute, my greetings to them @tj4real

Ok. Thanks for passing by. I will extend your greetings to them. Stay awesome

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