Great learning - Elephant and six blind person

in #motivation7 years ago

Long ago, there were 6 blind men living in a village. One day the villagers told them, "Hey, the elephant has come here in the village today." He had just heard of elephants till today, but never touched by feeling it touched. They resolved, "Even if we can not see the elephant, but today we can all feel and feel it?" And then they all moved towards the place where elephants came.

Everyone started touching the elephant.

"I understand, the elephant is like a pillar", the first person touched the elephant's feet and said.

"Oh no, the elephant is like a rope." Another person said catching the tail.

"I tell you, this is like a tree trunk." The third person caught hold of the scum and said.

"What are you talking about, the elephant is like a fan of a big hand." The fourth person explained the ear to everyone.

"No-no, it's like a wall.", The fifth person holding hands on the stomach said.

"It is not like that, the elephant is like a hard tube.", The sixth person kept his point.

And then all began to argue among themselves and began to prove themselves right .. their debate got sharp and it seemed that they would have to fight in their midst.

Only then was there an intelligent person passing by. He stopped and asked him, "What's the matter, why are you all quarreling?"

"We are not able to decide what the elephant looks like." He answered.

And then in turn they explained their point to the person.

The wise man listened to everything calmly and said, "You are all right in your place. The difference in your description is because you all touch different parts of the elephant

But if you look at what you have said, then all the words are right for the description of elephant. "

" good !! It's like that. "Everyone responded simultaneously. There was no controversy after that, and all were happy that they were telling all the truth.

Friends, sometimes it happens that we get stuck with our point that we are right and everything else is wrong. But it is possible that we are seeing only one aspect of coin and there are other facts which are right. That is why we should keep our word but listen to others' talk with patience, and never get involved in useless debate. It is also said in the Vedas that one truth can be told in many ways. So, when the next time you fall in such a debate, you will remember that there is no such thing in your hand that there is only the tail and the rest is with someone else.🙂

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