"I still have a lot to study, but I'm ready to do it"

Hello. My name is O. I'm 32 years old. I was born in Ukraine. My family was poor. I finished 9 classes at school. I wanted to go to the University, but I did not have the money to study. When I was 18 years old I went to work. But that work did not brought me pleasure, and it was very difficult.

Now I have a wife and a little child. In Ukraine the salary is very low, around 190 Euros, and the prices are very high. Each year life was harder and harder. Now in Ukraine there is a very big crisis and war. So we came to Greece. I enrolled in English courses. An English teacher told me about your academy, and I was very happy because your courses are free and you are helping students to find a job. On your site, I got acquainted with your course, and completed the questionnaire. I realized that I can not miss this chance.

Computers are my biggest hobby. I would like to learn something new.

My first computer was a Pentium-133mhz and 16mb ram with Windows 95. Even then, I learned to reinstall Windows and install different programs. Every year my interest only increased. I learned a lot by myself.

When I got my first android smartphone, I learned how to install the modified firmware. It's also interesting to experiment with the phone.

At the end of 2016, my brother asked me if I could create a site for his business. I said I will try. I started looking for information on the Internet. And I found WordPress. With the help of instructions, I made my first site on WordPress and uploaded it to a free hosting.

After that I set the task to study HTML & CSS. I have read books about html and css like: "HTML & CSS: Design and Build Web" by John Doquet and "Head First HTML and CSS", 2nd Edithon by Elisabeth Robson and Eric Freeman.

I also read articles, watched video lessons on youtube. I really enjoyed learning and writing code. Later I completely rewrote the site to html5, which was previously written on Wordpress.

I want to write code and do interesting sites. But for this, I still need to learn a lot. And so I need teachers who will give me more information. The front-end developer is the work of my dream.

I asked myself the question: "Why do I choose this profession?"
And my answer is this:

  1. I like computers.
  2. I like to study.
  3. I like to work.
  4. I want to have a cool and interesting job.
  5. I want to have a good salary.

FRONT-END DEVELOPER will give me a chance to do my favorite work. I still have a lot to study and spend a lot of time on it, but I'm ready to do it. That's why I want to be in your team !!!



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