in #motivation6 years ago

Sir, my concern is not whether God is on our side; my greatest concern is to be on God's side, for God is always right." - Abraham Lincoln

And herein do I exercise myself, to have always a conscience void of offence toward God, and toward men.
Acts 24:16

In relating with people every single day, it's not strange to find people who always want the spotlight to always be on them. For many people, if things do not go the way they want it, there cannot be peace.

They want to have things their way. Without caring who it hurts, they just want to have others do stuff the way it appeals to them to have it done. They want to be heard and always have something to say. But life is not meant to be this way. It's unsafe to live like this.

We really should not place the spotlight on ourselves. It's not about us. What we should bother most about is what God cares about. It's not about getting others on our side neither is it about getting God on our side; it's about being on God's side.

To be on God's side means that we care more about what God says and about how He wants things to be done. Anyone who refuses to care more more about what God really wants, is thinking too highly of themselves. My friend, you're not that important as to pursue your own agenda rather than God's.

In relationships, it's very important to understand this. Whether it's dealing with your spouse, your spouse to be, your family member, your colleague at work etc, seek to please God in that relationship, not yourself.

Some people make themselves an idol in a relationship. They silently threaten to end the relationship or do something equally worse if the other person doesn't play according to their rules. It may be the official relationship that exists between a boss and his staff or any relationship for that matter..

Whenever you cause someone to over regard and over exalt you in a relationship, simply because you know if they don't agree to do so they'll lose certain things that only you at that point can give them, you're building an idolatrous relationship.

You're making yourself an idol to that person. Practically what you're saying is, "Bow down and worship me or I withdraw the privileges you enjoy from knowing me."

Some even threaten to break up a love relationship or end an engagement on this same ground. Since they know their partner won't want the shame and pain that comes with a breakup, they keep controlling them with the fear of breaking up if they don't comply. Wake up my friend, life is not about you.
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There should be mutual respect in every form of relationship. The boss should regard and respect his staff as much as it should be the other way round. Both parties in any form of relationship should have that deep reverence for God displayed by honoring each other.

Like Abraham Lincoln said, what each should think about always is not whether God is on our side but whether we are on God's side because God is always right. I should not enforce the way I want things to be done. As I relate with you, what matters most is not having things done my way, it's having things done God's way.

In our relationship, how do I always ensure I'm on God's side? I believe that's answered in the Scripture portion above. As Paul said, I keep practising in my dealings with you, to always have my conscience blameless before God and before you. Whenever I turn to God there should be nothing inside me blaming me for not relating with God as I should and whenever I turn yo you there should be nothing in me blaming me for not treating you the way I should.

This is the exercise love says we should engage ourselves in as we relate with one another.

Thank You For Reading

I Remain Your Steemit Love Coach a.k.a Love Doctor @thelovejunkie💞

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Awesome! Nice post thelovejunkie

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If u want check my article about Part 1: The Educative Games As A Media for Early Childhood Learning
You can find the article here Part 1: The Educative Games As A Media for Early Childhood Learning

I will follow you thelovejunkie

Thanks for sharing...
this is very useful and highly motivated my friend 😊

Whenever you cause someone to over regard and over exalt you in a relationship, simply because you know if they don't agree to do so they'll lose certain things that only you at that point can give them, you're building an idolatrous relationship.

Wow. This is so very correct. We just need to be careful.

How do you do dear sis?

Deep and true words. Thanks for sharing mama😘

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