in #motivation6 years ago

Hey There Steemfam

Today I'm going to share with you a few things that can help your relationship and your home become more beautiful and more enjoyable.

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God is a good God. He instituted the coming together of a man and a woman for good, not for sorrow and pain. Realise that He gives us everything to enjoy. It's always for a good reason He initiates anything for us, marriage inclusive.

These things I'll share today will help the unmarried also. They'll arm you with very relevant information that are simple to apply. The things you'll learn today will do an amazing positive work in your life and in your relationship. Now let's see how you can beautify your relationship/marriage.


The sooner we come to terms with the fact that wisdom is the principal thing, the better life will be for us all. This is what the Bible says. Wisdom is what is most important any day and any time. In your relationship and marriage, wisdom is what is most needful and important. So, how do we get this wisdom? The Bible tells us that the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. In other words, our experience of wisdom begins by us having the fear of God.

Lots of people have asked and have wondered what exactly the fear of God is. Well, the Bible also says what it is. It tells us that it is to turn away from evil. Now let's put all these together. What your relationship/marriage needs the most is wisdom and you start experiencing wisdom by turning away from evil. Very simple! This "turning away" is something each of us must commit to doing. There's a way God wants us to live and to treat each other and it's opposite to what the world thinks. By turning away from evil, we commit to living the way God chooses.


Many people are sad, depressed, moody and what not, all because of the baggage they are carrying from the past. Let's learn to live all over again. My friend, life looks beautiful today when you let go of yesterday. Live in the now, not in the past. Think fresh. Don't let the thoughts of yesterday prevent you from doing what you want to do today. Rather than mourning over who you could have been by now, where you could have gotten to and how much you could have achieved, cheer up and be excited about the life you now have.

As long as there is life there is hope. How I wish so many people could forget about their yesterday. How I wish they could forget about their past sorrows. Then, life would be so much more beautiful today than they've ever know it to be. Many hurts in relationships are transferred from the past. Sit down and search your heart. What are those worries and pains from the past that have become normal for you today? Write them down, discuss them with your spouse/partner and let them go! Determine you'll not allow anything from yesterday steal the joy and happiness of your relationship/marriage. Get excited today and live as if you've never known pain before. Live like a child.


When you think of what God really wanted, it's not hard to see that God had in mind that the union of a man and a woman would be for support, interaction, happiness etc.

Take a look at the garden again. God introduced Eve as a suitable helper who would help Adam. An animal, for example the dog, could help Adam pick up something and take it somewhere. A dog can pick up a hammer and go drop it someplace else, that's help. But a dog is not in the same class as a man; they are unlike each other in many ways and as such, a dog does not qualify to be called a suitable helper for man. Yes, it could help do a few things but it was not fit to be called a suitable helper. God saw the need to give Adam someone who would think like him, someone he could talk with and reason with. God needed someone just like Adam who could make his job easier. No animal could do this. It's important for us to remember these things.

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In replicating God's original plan in your relationship and or home, it's important for both to combine efforts mentally in seeing that the corporate vision is realised. God initiated the marital relationship for support. Men, open up to your partner/wife, allow her help you fulfil your purpose. Women, ensure your vision helps to fulfil the man's vision because you were made for him.


You have only one life to live, this one you're living now, so, live it big. When I say live it big what I mean is that you should not be scared of aiming high. So many people claim they're not scared but the way you live everyday tells whether you're audacious or not.

Do you have dreams and goals? Do you want to take cities and nations? I'm asking these questions to stir your minds because I have found that the problem many a time is that multitudes are too sacred to dream. Majority in the world are just okay with whatever is handed out to them. I want you to realise that one of the strongest forces in the world today is the coming together of two persons in mutual agreement to get something done.

You can achieve anything with your partner/spouse. You can get anything done. Look into the future and ask yourself what you want your contribution to be. You must realise that together both of you can change the world. Together you can do far much more than each of you can do. Sit down and make plans and be audacious about it. The hopes and destinies of many people lie in your hands.

I am Your Steemit Love Coach a.k.a Love Doctor @thelovejunkie💞


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Thanks for this words @thelovejunkie. It lifted my spirit.

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