Develop Positivity Through Meditation

in #motivation7 years ago


The truth is I am much more powerful than I think, no one can enter my thoughts till I want. It’s the result of any form of ego or expectation with that person which is holding him in our mind. The moment we put a full stop by talking to ourself and making us realize that we will get nothing from by thinking of them.

Some Important facts:

  1. No one will change how much ever we think
  2. Our energy will dip as any thought which is waste, unproductive, and even ordinary also consumes our energy, negative consumes our energy a lot.
  3. Create highly positive and elevated thoughts about yourself as it’s you who can relieve yourself from this restlessness

Our thoughts are the seeds which result in our feeling and experiencing the outer world. So, if our thoughts are filled with negativity and fear, then automatically everything or being we come in contact with, will also result in same negativity. To come out of this, you need to work on yourself. Spend some time with the self and introspect that which one thought is the root cause of all other. Try to recognize that thought (problem). Once we are able to find the problem, the solution emerges automatically.

Our objective is not to change people, or our thoughts change people but our focus is on self. Whatever we are looking in others is for Peace, Love, Care for self. That means its internal not external. Try to consciously work on your thoughts. A silent mind is one which is positive. Negative thoughts are too many in number and therefore create a confusion, and then even if the solution is clearly in front of you, you will not be able to see it. When we develop the habit of creating positive thoughts, then only the right kind of thoughts emerge and taking decisions is very easy.

When the mind is silent, we do not have to think very logically, the right solution emerges from the intuition and it is a solution which we would have never thought of logically. Positive thinking is developed with constant attention and practice.

What we think continuously become true, so less thoughts, pure thoughts for everyone and positive and elevated thoughts for self and others is key of success.

Meditation helps greatly in developing this practice of positive thinking.


Great post! This was my favorite: “When the mind is silent, we do not have to think very logically, the right solution emerges from the intuition“ - very scary for many people as many institutions train us to sort through things through logic always. Check out my blog for some meditation techniques if you’re interested!

Definitely I will do so

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