Are You A Beggar Too?

in #motivation7 years ago


In a distant state a king ruled. The king was of a very good and pious nature, he wanted to do good for the people. In addition to this, he had great relations with neighboring states too. If the king saw any person sad, his heart would be moved and he thought of doing well to him with full devotion.
On the day of King's birthday, It was a very happy day and the king rose early in the morning. The king went out to walk some distance in the forest with his soldiers. Today, the king himself promised that I will surely make a person happy and satisfied today.

The king was passing through the road and he saw a beggar. The king was greatly pained to see the beggar's condition He called the beggar to him and gave him a gold coin. The beggar became very happy with the coin, but after a few steps ahead that the coin was thrown in the drain by the beggar's. The beggar immediately put his hands in the drain and started looking for the coin.
The king received great pity that how poor the man is, the king called the beggar and gave him another gold coin. Now there was no place for the beggar's happiness. He took the coin and went away and repeated the same action again looking for the lost coin.
The king was astonished, he again called the beggar and gave him a silver coin and as the king promised himself that a person would be happy and satisfied. But what is this? Even with the silver coin, that beggar again put his hand in the drain and started searching for a lost coin.
Beggar said – Your Majesty, I will be happy and satisfied only when I get a gold coin dropped in that groove.
Friends, we are also like that beggar God gives us everything but we are not satisfied. This is not my point or your point, but the whole human race is never satisfied. Need money, get the money, now we need , the car should get bigger and this sequence goes on.
God has given us this precious body, but we keep finding the gold coin filled with life. You cannot be satisfied, no matter how rich you are, no matter how much money you earn. Even after finding this priceless body, we keep searching coins for the world. Friends, use this body to help other which is more precious than money do not become beggars but help others

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