Knowledge is Power : Create a habit of continuous learning throughout your life

in #motivation3 years ago

The risk of becoming unemployed decreases as one's education degree increases. Aside from the benefits, this method of learning is fun. Anything new is exciting. Enjoying yourself while exhibiting your knowledge on interesting topics enhances your self-esteem. Moreover, while mastering a new subject is a rewarding experience, the habit of always learning should be permanent. Overall, it should be second nature and well planned.

Begin by focusing the learning activity on a specific purpose.


How much time do you spend on learning new things? How much time do you spend on learning new things?

I read widely across topics and fields to broaden my intellectual horizons. I appreciate learning more about topics like education, global policy, and leadership. Picking a few things to focus on can help you develop a lifetime learning habit. Based on this, set realistic goals. Like most people, I create objectives for myself every year. In 2017, I read 24 novels. To reach my objective, I read for 20 minutes five days a week. Setting short-term goals is critical for long-term success, in my opinion. I use the app Momentum to help me. I use this smartphone software to set daily and weekly goals and track my progress. In this way, you are encouraged to study and improve, allowing you to go on your lifelong learning journey.

After deciding on your goals, you'll need to choose an educational resource.

Every two months, I join a reading group. Reading becomes more enjoyable when I keep track of my goals. Many of my writer friends are in writing clubs and help one other organise. You might choose a niche community for a variety of reasons. For example, a monthly foreign policy debate group or a weekly carpentry group. If you want to learn more about a subject, you can enrol in a course or institution that teaches it.

This way, you can both regulate your study habits and make learning more enjoyable. This will help you stay focused and avoid distractions. Learning new things is fun, but it takes effort. Multitasking makes it difficult, if not impossible, to focus on reading to learn a topic thoroughly (such cell phone conversations and writing emails). This is especially true for techies. So, to avoid interruptions, set a time restriction for the learning exercise.

Pick a quiet area to read and leave your phone at home.

If you're in a class or reading group, try taking notes. This helps you remember what you've learnt. Distracting goods like laptops and phones should be left in the car. Instead of removing distractions, consider ignoring them. I also regularly meditate. As a result, I am better able to concentrate in class and read difficult literature.

Finally, technology can help teach.

Technology can both promote learning and be a distraction. Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) also allow for active involvement and remote learning from the world's most successful people. Podcasts, audiobooks, e-readers, and other tools make literature accessible everywhere and anytime. With audiobooks, I can read four times as many books in a year while commuting or exercising. On the go, listen to podcasts or take iTunes U courses.

For lifelong learning, you can use these tools alongside smartphone apps that track your reading. As you can see, using technology is a must in learning activities.

Curiosity drives us all to want to learn more. Unfortunately, our busy lives limit our free time, prohibiting us from pursuing one of our core attributes, curiosity. Thus, a properly developed and maintained learning habit promotes both professional and personal growth. True success comes from lifelong learning.


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