Let Yourself Fall Down But Learn to Dust Yourself Off

in #motivation3 years ago

So let yourself fall down but learn to dust yourself off. Just because you got a bruise or two on your body does not mean you cannot improve your overall health and appearance. You can get back that youthful glow if you follow these simple beauty tips. Keep in mind though, that you will still need to put in the time to keep them looking great. Below are some quick guidelines to follow to ensure you avoid further damage to your already frail bones.

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First, when it comes to the skin, make sure you use a gentle cleanser. Try to avoid harsher cleansers like those with harsh chemicals. They will dry out your skin even more and cause more breakouts. If you do have to use a harsher cleanser, make sure it is water based. A water based cleanser will cleanse without stripping your skin of any natural oils.

Second, stay away from tight fitting clothing. When you squeeze into clothes that are too tight, it makes it more likely for dirt and grime to be trapped in the spaces between your clothing. This can lead to clogged pores and a more rapid fall than was originally intended.

Third, pay attention to where you walk. When you walk, it is better for your skin to breathe and not be slammed against hard surfaces. When you run, your legs absorb a lot of energy. It is recommended that you stretch before and after you run to prevent this from disrupting your blood flow.

Fourth, avoid being around too much dust. We all know that it is inevitable. The air we breathe is full of dust particles and other contaminants. However, it is important that you try to limit your exposure. For example, if you spend most of your time working outdoors, get up early and take a break from the grind. If you work from home, make sure that you have your ventilation turned on during the day and that you have windows that allow some fresh air in.

Fifth, do not procrastinate. If you find yourself with time on your hands, you might want to start putting in effort to clean. You can either get out your toenail clippers or start taking deep cleanse baths. Take care to not scrub hard. Just gently massage the area and wait a few minutes for the clippings to drop off.

Sixth, drink lots of water. Your body as well as your fingernails needs plenty of hydration. Water flushes out impurities and cleanses the system. As you let yourself fall down from addiction to nicotine, you will notice that you have fewer cavities and have a lot less dead skin.

Seventh, learn to be disciplined. Remember that you will have bad days but there is something you can do about it. When you let yourself fall down from too much nicotine, you will be disappointed but you should be more than willing to get back on track. When you get back on track, you will find that it was just a brief relapse and you can get rid of your nicotine cravings easily.

You will have to be strong to resist the temptation. When you let yourself fall, you might be tempted to pick up something to eat or drink right away. Resist the urge. Instead, try chewing gum or drinking water.

When you fall, don't give in to the cravings. Instead of picking them up, focus on letting them go. This will help you to not be consumed by the desire to smoke.

Lastly, don't forget the most important thing: take it one day at a time. It may seem like it is a long period of time but as you follow through, you will see that it really wasn't that long at all. When you first quit, there will still be cravings and withdrawal symptoms that you have to deal with. However, if you stay steadfast and keep going, you will be rewarded with the results that you want and deserve.

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So let yourself fall but learn to dust yourself off. Get up, take action, and keep moving forward. Staying focused and motivated will allow you to reach your goals. Just don't fall for the first excuse.


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