The Sky's The Limit: Fulfilling Another Lifetime Goal With Steem 💛

in #motivation6 years ago (edited)
The trouble with not having a goal is that you can spend your life running up and down the field and never score. - Bill Copeland

I haven't ever been much into running.

When I booked my flights to Bali (Indonesia) at the end of 2017, I knew that this trip was supposed to be my last one for a while. Due to some personal life changes upcoming during the next months, I won't be able to cross continents any time soon.

That's why I decided to do something really crazy and book seats in the Business Class.

Here's why being self-indulgent is a great way to push yourself in life!

@surfermarly wearing her '5am face' at the transit airport of Doha (right) and enjoying her first Qatar Business flight ever (left)

The goal-oriented way

Maybe I'm the classical penny-wise and pound-foolish person.

My everyday life is actually quite frugal. Surfers don't need much to be fulfilled as long as they get a large coffee for breakfast.

While I was pouring money down the drain for unnecessary things - such as an expensive car, overpriced sports activities and lots of parties - during my twenties, I've become quite square walking towards my forties now.

With age comes wisdom, and you realize that you can't buy happiness.

Yet, one of my most efficient drivers to success are these milestone rewards I've always been giving myself along the way.

A look insight the Qatar Airways Business Class on my recent flight from Doha to Madrid

If you know what you're working for, it's not gonna be work anymore

Booking flights early is part of my concept.

Besides the fact that you're able to reserve the very best seats on the plane if you book before everyone else does, pleasant anticipation is of inestimable value when it comes to motivate yourself.

Before Bali I was on a constant trip of anticipated joy, just because I knew that I would feel like a princess above the clouds for one day. It's the memory of a unique experience nobody will ever be able to take away from me.

Sometimes a moment needs to be converted into a memory until you estimate its true value.

When you wake up like this...

...and start the day like that (buttermilk cinnamon waffles and green tea)

Appreciate the opportunity

I don't believe in luck.

I rather believe in hard work and brought out opportunities.

Obviously, the general circumstances we're born into have a considerable influence on the given (or not given) chances right from the start. If you're fortunate to be born into a well-off family, you'll probably face less boundaries on the following journey than someone whose situation is not that prosperous.

What I want to say is that I'm grateful for the life I've been given. Yet, everything that followed is rather the fruit of my own persistency, ambition and passion.

One of the things I like most about 'the internet of value' is the fact that these classical structures are more and more broken up.

Cryptocurrencies are gateways to a new way of living for literally everybody.

As long as we have a more or less stable internet connection we can theoretically become whatever and whoever we want in life.

It's the equality of opportunity that will make the difference.

My whole trip was paid with Steem, which is why I want to let you know that there are no limits.

Ready for take-off (it still seems unreal to me..) :-)

My home for 9 vs. 7 hours - after two consecutive long distances flights you start to appreciate these...

@surfermarly appreciating the giveaways... being a princess I told ya :-)

Keep pushing, steemians! Everything is possible

Now you won't see me traveling any time soon.

Being goal-oriented and following one's dreams doesn't mean to live excessively. It's actually the complete opposite: if you budget your resources economically, you'll be able to enjoy them much longer - and be even able to indulge yourself from time to time.

Remember that endorphins are a healthy happiness drug one can never have enough of...:-)

Much love,
Marly -

Thanks for your valuable time!
This blog was launched at the end of July 2016
aiming to provide stories for open-minded
people who enjoy living on the edge of their lives,
stepping out of comfort zones, going on adventure,
doing extreme sports and embracing the new.
Welcome to the too-much-energy-blog!

PS: It's never too late to start living the life you deserve.

Original content. Pictures taken with my iPhone 5S.


Business class hopa^^Great experience right?
Great post dear. Someone without​ a goal is walking blind.

Hehe, yeah it's been a great experience without any doubt! :-)

I couldn't have said this any better... What are your goals - if I may ask...?

I have this year a really important season(football) I really want to crush it. Playing the best season I've ever played. This is one goal regarding my profession.
Then I want to learn more, getting new knowledge and skills in different areas for example psychology. And yes, here on Steemit I want to strengthen my account :) To mention some.

It seems that your 2018 is not gonna be boring at all!
Thanks for the insights :-)
Psychology is a highly interesting field to conquer. Especially considering that you're a professional sportsman, it may even help you to improve your game.
I've always enjoyed very much to be in football stadiums. When I was living in Munich (I'm actually German), my friends and I frequently went to the Allianz Arena.
Sports competitions are absolutely thrilling. There are few things more exciting than witnessing a team or an individual player fighting for the title.

Again thanks for the conversation which I enjoyed very much and: enjoy your weekend!

Dann müsstest du mit Sicherheit auch Deutsch verstehen :)
Hat mich ebenfalls gefreut :)

Haha, ja klar - besser als jede andere Sprache, denke ich!! :-)

Well said @surfmarly. Look like you had an awesome flight.

One of my #lifegoals is to set up a wildlife sanctuary and a Bitcoin mining solar farm in Cornwall, UK. 🤙

Thank you @benadapt - and go for it :-)

Roger that. 👍

What people tend to lose sight of is the way towards the goal.

If you meet someone new, you only have eyes for what he has and represent without much regard for his path up until that point.

Projecting that on ourselves, we all just want the reward without actually minding the path. Which is sad because the journey is where all the actually amazing things are happening.

Looks like you made the most out of your trip to Bali. Freshly energized and rejuvenated, onwards towards fulfilling the next big goals, right?

Well, we've got all our history. People are very fast in judging what they perceive at first sight - without asking for more.. I'm not a huge fan of evaluating people according to their assets, rather than their personality (which you can only discover if you communicate).

Exactly, the next big goal is already waiting for me, and this one comes with another big challenge. So 2019 is not gonna be boring at all...:-)

Thanks for stopping by once more @paparodin, I enjoy our conversations very much!
Enjoy your Friday - I'll be watching the great match Spain vs. Portugal now :-)

Communication is the key.

Glad to hear that, I enjoy being here as well. Enjoy watching the game. I will miss it because I'm not that much into soccer :D

Excellent reply and sooo true. Great post by the way. Enjoyed it very much. Looks like you had the plane to yourself. I'm glad you're busy living.... many are not. Hope all's good in your neck o' the woods my friend.

Also, you never know what doors might open for you along the way. So it's important to be open to new opportunities, even if they may lead to slightly different paths from the initial goal.

If you can, why not splurge a bit. I have been reorienting myself in rewarding my small and large achievements as I complete them.

I wish you the best of success in your new venture. Must be something very important to let go of the flights (for a while).

I think everything in life should be balanced. I couldn't and also didn't want to do this every day since I believe that money can invested much better than in luxury...:-) Yet, it's been a great unique experience.

Thanks for stoppying by, @impatientoptim!
Have a great weekend

I believe that money can invested much better than in luxury...

I agree with you. The best things in life often do not have a price tag. Enjoy your weekend as well.

So beautifully described.. So glad to have read this and connect with you.. Have a great time ahead.. Much love..❤️

just an simple question "which one you liked the most Emirates or the Qatar ?"

I have never been on an Emirates flight so far, so unfortunately I can't reply to this one :-)

Nice pictures

You are such an inspiration @surfermarly
Enjoy your stay

Thats really great to see thanks a lot for sharing.

I like this post, because you set a trend 🤞🏾📈🚀♻️

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