The Power of Manifestation, Your Ideas Create Your Reality!

in #motivation8 years ago

Ideas create reality. This is true, whether you believe in it or not, but let me get more specific. Your ideas have been, are and will continue to be creating your reality. It is a fact.

The things you think about, the ideas you focus on, your mental perspective on the events of your life, build your personal universe to a very real degree. You are what you think.

As a man thinks in his heart, so is he

-Solomon, Ancient Hebrew King

This concept is not new, nor should it seem strange to you. I know you will throw up some arguments, they might go a little like this.

  • I didn't have the idea to be born to the parents I have, in the time I was born in, in the place I was born in and I am a product of my environment.
  • I didn't think of my height or my genetic makeup.
  • I didn't have the idea to get myself fired, have my girlfriend break up with me, have my mother die when I was a child, the list goes on.

This is all true

You are not divine. You didn't create yourself. You cannot control every circumstance in your life, and yet, I insist, your ideas create your reality.

  • Your thinking shapes the way you feel about your parents, your environment and your body.
  • Your thinking shapes the way you present yourself to your world and what you believe about yourself and what you are capable of.
  • Your thinking causes your reactions to events in your life, good and bad. Your actions cannot precede your ideas. Every single thing you have ever done, was preceded by the thought of doing it.

*As you think in your heart, so you are, so you become. *

If you don't like your life much right now, you may say this isn't helpful, because, after all, your thoughts are not something you likely feel much control over. You're right. You are absolutely right.

You think you are helpless to change it and you are 100% correct. But, not because it has to be that way.

Your mind is so powerful, it is capable of preventing you from doing a great many things you would otherwise be capable of. I'll give you an example.

One human, unafraid of spiders, could allow a large tarantula to crawl along the surface of their hand. They could sit still and observe this without any negative feeling whatsoever. In fact, many people would enjoy this experience

A person who believes they are in grave danger from any spider (arachnophobic) could no more sit there calmly, than you could if I poked you with a hot branding iron, why?

  • The spider is the same, and in both cases, harmless.
  • The basic genetic and physical makeup of the two humans is nearly identical.
  • They could be in the same space, fed the same information and the results would remain the same, what is different?

The one afraid of spiders has chosen a different idea, and created a different reality.

In most cases, this fear is not based in any experience that would lead them to believe in the danger, other than perhaps some education as to the poisonous, or dangerous nature of some spiders. It is simply based on that person's own thinking about the nature of spiders. For them, they have become something horrible.

There are many, many things in life that are like this!

Another example might be foods you cannot stomach. Almost all of us have things we prefer not to eat. It may be something common, like tomatoes.

  • People all over the world, love tomatoes.
  • Millions enjoyed them today, and experienced the lycopene and other health benefits.
  • Tomato lovers consider them delicious and use them in sauces, salads and a wide variety of dishes.

If you dislike tomatoes, for you, they may cause an unpleasant sensation. You literally find the taste, the texture, the smell, possibly even the appearance of this popular fruit repulsive.

In some cases, people will literally gag on a food that most eat without trouble, why?

Even without allergies, ever having gotten sick on tomatoes, or having any experience with a tomato that would lead them to hate the food so badly, some people simply hate them.

They have developed an idea, a way of thinking about tomatoes, that makes them see tomatoes as bad, unpleasant and gross.

Sure, this is true, you say, but how does it shape my world?

The ideas we have change how we feel about things. They can help us, or prevent us from achieving. They can make us open, or closed to new experiences. They can cause us to say or do things that may open doors, or cut off opportunities.

As these things play out, through many subtle changes in our lives every day, little by little, we reshape our entire experience of life. As we continue to seek out experiences that confirm our ideas, we work them deeper and deeper into the fabric of our beings.

It may seem trite, but ideas, the way we think, is what leads one person to see a glass as half full, while one sees it as half empty.

One person's ideas will shape a reality filled with opportunity for improvement,where another's ideas lead them to see nothing but oppression and lack. One person sees their talents, while another sees their shortcomings.

You have a choice to shift your focus from dark to light, from limitation, to possibility, from lack, to abundance, and your whole world will follow.

In my next post, we'll explore ways to flip the switch, to turn the tables on your thoughts, and get you moving in the right direction.

For now, remember, you can ask, "What's the best that can happen?" today and expect more good things from your world.


I certainly appreciate the message, far more than you'd get from the School system or the news... But, thoughts and ideas are not a source of power, as much as they are a result of power.. It might appear that thoughts create reality, because a positive outlook and positive results go hand in hand. Thoughts are a part of reality, and the circumstances that arise are compatible with the thoughts, not a product of thoughts.

Pause for a moment, set aside whatever the eyes see, ignore whatever the ears hear, and allow the thoughts to come and go without any attachment. The thoughts continue without effort from you, same as the heart beats automatically..


Well, damono, you can control your thoughts, you can still your thoughts, and they are a source of power. There are millions proving you wrong every day.

I don't know but I have my doubts about this law of attraction and manifestations. I just think of all the people who are dying and have died of starvation, I can bet you nobody asked and wished for something, in this case food, than this people. Unfortunately it didn't do them any good.
So maybe this manifestation thing just works sometimes?

You are right. Read the post and you will see this. In your current state of thinking, you would not be the one to find a solution to this problem, because you do not think it exists.

Gduran, your thoughts create your reality. They shape your perception of it, they limit, or expand the potential solutions you will seek in any given circumstance. The fact that you can find those being acted on by the results of others thinking, makes it no less true.

Like @gduran, I also have reservations when it comes to law of attraction and manifestation. Everything you've written here rings true for me on a psychological level, but I run into trouble when I encounter the law of attraction when it's presented in a metaphysical sense. Can anyone comment on this at all? That is to say: is "manifestation" an act of creation, in an idealist scheme of reality; or, is it the result of a human agent working materially, with the law of attraction acting more as an effective placebo?

I believe the acting out of the law of attraction is experienced as the latter, when applied consistently. But, why do you think the metaphysical part of that does not precede every successful manifestation based on human effort? Is it magic? yes. But so is oxygenating blood through respiration. Understanding it makes it no less mystical in its origins.

Zach, why do you think the metaphysical would not play as a physical reality? Since this rings true to you psychologically, you realize it is true and will shape your reality. So why not choose the thoughts that are most beneficial to you? Why do you need to be able to explain it logically? Does that somehow give it more power? I would argue just the opposite.

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