Do not wish to find your significance through material things. Recognize the child of God in you. Edenjevy Oliveros

in #motivation6 years ago (edited)

Dear friends,

There is too much confusion about the meaning of the world self-worth. For a common understanding, self-worth is the inborn quality that each persons has. It is part of being human. You are born with it. It is not just the opinion you have about yourself or the value that other people place on you. Being an inborn quality, self-worth is something that you cannot shake off. You may ignore, reject, forget or disregard it but it remains part of you. You may even doubt or not recognize it, you are worthy just the same. You may even doubt or recognize it, you are worthy just the same. You may even lose sight of your true value. Nevertheless, you are worthy; no matter how you see yourself. It does not depend on how you or others look at you.

It is helpful to look at self-worth as something that is based on an internal decision. It is to see, think and believe of yourself as someone precious-worthy of being loved and deserving of the world’s goodness. It is based on the belief that you are important: that you matter; that you are significant to the world and its people.


Of all the living creatures, only you can think and freely decide. Think that you are worthy and make the conscious decision that happiness is your birthright. You are not here to sacrifice only. You are here to experience God’s abundant blessings. It all starts with your ability to recognize your worthiness- deserving of the dignity, respect and honor of being God’s child.
When we recognize our self-worth, it makes us feel better and it allows us to live freer. It gives us the strength to put order in our life: Accepting challenges as they come, capitalizing on what we are capable of doing; thus, making ourselves truly deserving of the dignified of being human.


Self-worth does not depend on your net worth. It does not depend on anything external. No, you are worthy because you are human, created in God’s image and likeness.
Do not wish to find your significance through material things. Recognize the child of God in you.
Consider everything you can do as something easy. When a thing can be done, call it easy no matter how long or hard for you to accomplish it. It could be writing a thesis, living a healthy lifestyle, earning a million, developing a skill, raising child, planting a tree, building a house or putting up a foundation. Again, anything that is doable is something you may call easy. Here is the twist: what is easy to do is also easy not do. Thus, it is easy not to. It is easy to be more loving and it is also easy not to. What makes the happy, successful and intelligent people different from the rest is that they do not neglect the easy things that they could do every single day. They know that a thing is doable and they do it. They know what they ought to do and they do it.

People know that they will suffer the consequence of a wrong act and yet they still do it. People know that it is not worth doing a thing, and yet they keep on doing it. People know that something can be avoided anytime soon, and yet they delay doing the necessary action until it is too late.

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