in #motivation6 years ago

We live in a world that creates needs and wants we don't need and don't want but end up having them to satisfy a silly urge. These urges are strong and have slowly taken over our lives without us noticing. We have also fallen prey to instant gratification.

Patience is a virtue

Nothing worth having comes easy or quickly in life. If it does than you're one of the very few lucky ones and I envy you. For us mere unlucky humans we need to grind 'till we bleed to get lucky. I remember a quote that says preparation plus opportunity equals luck. That has stayed with me all my life until now.

I feel that everything I have been doing thus far is leading me to a point that will turn my life around and propel me into the stratosphere. I truly feel and believe that I am destined for great things and everything that has happened and is still happening to me is in preparation of that opportunity.

The key to reaching that point is consistency, hard work and most of all PATIENCE. Most things get better with age. Most skills are mastered through practice which takes time.

Easy come easy go

With everything so easily accessible because of the internet and technology, It is easy to find ourselves trapped in a world dictated by who did what first, who wore who to where, who hit like before everyone else, how quickly did that trend, ect.

This fast pace life has also gave way to a host of scam companies promising to give you whatever you desire quickly. Because we have no patience and want everything at the snap of a finger, we become willing victims to such.

Making a quick buck means you'll lose that buck just as easily. Quick solutions lead to quick drawbacks and disappointments. To avoid such it best to put in the hard work and wait for the results. After doing everything possible and going beyond that, what else is there to do but to wait?

Prepare thoroughly and act decisively

We are all familiar with the proverb "measure twice and cut once".I love the wisdom of this simple short sentence. It's powerful. We shouldn't be hasty in trying to get things done. At times a lot of planning is required and takes time but the process after the planning is fairly short.

Let's take "overnight" successful people for instance. They didn't start their grind a day before and found success the following day. They worked their butts off for months and even years and finally caught a break. But they were prepared. Again preparation+opportunity= success.

We must learn to accept that great things take time. A small seedling can grow into a giant tree with a little nurturing and patience.



The satisfaction that is felt after any sacrifice is the best feeling of all. Excellent work.

I agree fully. Thank you for reading and commenting.

Your determination, attitude and commitment will get you there.

Yes. All is possible through perseverance. Thank you.

Your post reminds me of what an actor said when he finally became successful as a result of starring in a film. He had previously done the usual rounds of acting in small theatres and worked his way up the ladder gradually. When a reporter asked him how it felt to be an overnight success as a result of the film, he replied to the effect that his "overnight" success was the result of 15 years hard work. Boom boom!

BOOM! Nothing happens overnight. That particular time was met with preparation and relentless pursuit of it. I will also share a similar story one day when asked the same question.

Great article! Big achievements come with great work and determination. Keep it up, thank you for sharing!

And thank you for reading. I appreciate your kind words.

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