10 Steps to Motivate Yourself - How You Can Find Your Own Drive to Achieve Your Goal

in #motivation8 years ago (edited)

10 steps to motivate yourself

Today we are looking at 10 ways to motivate yourself.
First, you should learn the difference between Extrinsic and Intrinsic Motivation.

Extrinsic motivation: This kind of motivation means that something outside of yourself is driving you – an outer motivation like money, fame, etc. Extrinsic motivation has a goal, and an end point. When you achieve it, your motivation drops.

Intrinsic motivation: This is a motivation that originates from within yourself. This could be a self-desire to learn or explore new things, become a better version of you, challenge and improve yourself.
It’s harder to reach for, but it is also a stronger drive. It’s a true desire from within you, and nothing else is trying to make you do it.
Intrinsic motivation is not natural in all people, some people don’t know what to do or what their purpose in life is. They don’t have that inner motivation yet and that’s okay. If you feel like this, realize that this process takes time. It’s always good to walk through life open-minded, and your purpose will come to you.

Sometimes, the same goal can be pursued with either extrinsic or intrinsic motivation.
For example: If you are trying to lose weight, you could do it just because you want to impress your crush, or because you are going on holiday soon. (Extrinsic Motivation). Once you’re in a relationship with your crush or your vacation is over, you reached your goal and your motivation drops, and it’s unlikely that you will continue to work on it.
But if you are trying to lose weight because it’s only for you, to live a healthier lifestyle because only YOU want it, that is an intrinsic motivation that is much stronger. There’s no end point to feeling good about your body, you will continue to be motivated until you are really satisfied long term!
So if you already have a goal but are struggling with the reasons behind your motivation, try switching them to intrinsic as much as possible.

Now here are the 10 Steps to motivate yourself:

1) Decide if your goals are extrinsic or intrinsic. Like mentioned above, sometimes the same goal can be pursued with different kinds of motivation, so ask yourself what the real reasons behind your actions are and try to use your inner motivation.

2) Get excited, make yourself happy before working on these goals! Many studies have shown that you are less motivated or willing to try something if you are feeling sad. So before working on your goal, make sure you are in a good mood, filled with positive energy and motivation.

3) Write your goal on a piece of paper, and place it somewhere you’ll see it often during the day. Maybe on the bathroom mirror, above your desk, or next to the TV. If you keep seeing your goal, you keep reminding yourself and stay motivated.

4) Write a checklist everyday, with small things you need to complete in order to make these goals your reality. Make sure you narrow it down into many small things rather than a few big ones, so you can feel the satisfaction of completing a task more often. At the end of the day, look at all the items you crossed off from your list, and realize how much progress you’ve made!

5) Reward yourself! When you get part of your list done, do something fun, make yourself feel good so you stay motivated longer.

6) Connect a daily object to your goal. For example: Take plate, and think to yourself: Every time I see a plate, I will be reminded of my goal. So now whenever you see a plate, you will think of losing weight/studying/reading, or whatever your goal might be. This constant reminder helps you to stay focused and motivated!

7) Surround yourself with other people that share the same passion, or have the same goal as you. This might not be easy in every case, but working in a group, motivating and pushing each other really helps you to stick with something. And of course, it’s more fun as well!

8) Before going to sleep, think about your goal. Plan what you need to do the next day. Your last thoughts before going to sleep actually influence your subconsciousness, you keep thinking about it while sleeping – without even knowing. This helps manifest your desire to achieve the goal.

9) Be patient – success doesn’t happen over night. Do not lose hope. Everything takes time, but you should not worry about it. Let the progress flow naturally, and it will all come together in the end.

I have written a whole post about this topic, please click here for an in-depth explanation about this visualization technique!

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Much Love & Harmony


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Thanks for this one, noted & voted ;)

Maybe return the favor? I spent my birthday helping the homeless in Argentina. Upvoting = making a donation for free! https://steemit.com/travel/@budgetbucketlist/an-unforgettable-birthday-party-with-the-homeless-people-of-buenos-aires-made-possible-by-steemit

I did, that was some incredible charity work from you! very inspiring, left you a comment there. I upvoted & followed you, looking forward to reading more about your adventures around the world!

How's this for motivation?

Let's achieve what is possible and enjoy everything we have got!!

yes, for some people thats motivation too ;)
and you are right!

Great again :)

My personal side-note:

Extrinsic motivation == Corporate World

that's a very good way to summarize it!

no necessarily Extrinsic motivation could be the motivation to do something for a person such as a pregnant woman giving up smoking for the babies health

You are right, of course. It is a motivation from outside while intrinsic is a motivation from within yourself.

I've just said what my first association with the word extrinsic is. Why? Because of the competitiveness of the corporate environment which, by design, promotes money and profit-related motives while at the same time intentionally ignores and suppresses deeper motives. which come from within.

Like this quote.: "Every single one of you is already a winner, because you are here.
On Steemit."

Lasse Ehlers

great article :)) I always need motivation!

thank you! everybody needs motivation!

exactly :) but i find that once i get into it, I'm good :)

Point #8 is my favourite. I love to go to sleep at night dreaming about the future. Great post!

you're right! And it helps you get closer to your goal over night :)

Nice work! I see pretty much the same way the motivation game and how can you achieve. Some steps from my article may be different but in the end, the outcome is very similar.

thanks for your input, great article from you as well

There's always something to get excited about - with every project! (And now I need to remember that even when I'm writing non-Steemit projects!) :)

Follow the dream!
If your dream is not motivated you, you have a problem.

very nice:))

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