I Would NEVER Ask You to Do This...

in #motivation6 years ago

The fastest way to ensure a lifetime of suffering is to do something that you don't enjoy; To live a life following other people's expectations of you.

Your parents, your friends, your lovers... They want you to do the "normal thing", and to go down a path that's right for them - A path that has nothing to do with your truth, joy, and excitement.

People spend their entire existence here on earth, their one in a billion shot at being human, doing things they have no interest in... Things that destroy them.


Because everyone else does it! Because it's something they're "expected" to do. Because they're scared to step outside of that.

It's madness.

I WOULD NEVER ask you to do that.

The question is, when are you going to stop asking yourself?

How much longer before you stop accepting other people's ideas as the leading factor in your life?

How much longer before you start living for you, and pursuing a life filled with passion and joy? A life in line with your true excitement.

P.S. We're going to be hosting the next Infinite Man Summit soon! It's been a life changing event for attendees three years running, and we're working hard to make this one better than ever. I hope to see you there.

Check out the Infinite Man YouTube Channel for more content, and join our FREE Mastermind Group on Facebook if you want to connect and grow with thousands of people that are taking the steps towards a better life.

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