Real Change Starts Within Us

in #motivation3 years ago

Real change happens every day, but not when we think it will. Change can be the greatest thing to happen to us, or the worst. It all depends on the way we choose to look at it. We have a choice to make every day.

When I was growing up, my mother always told me, "Don't sweat the little stuff!" She was right. I didn't sweat the little stuff back then, and I can't remember ever feeling excited about anything. I can remember feeling excited about leaving the house, getting to where I wanted to go. The excitement I felt that day in my life is the same excitement you may feel if you can find the will to get up and go for it.

Each of us has the power to change the direction our life is going. It doesn't take a lot, but just a tiny shift in thinking can create huge changes in your world. You've probably heard the saying, "What doesn't kill me, makes me stronger." If you really think about that for a second, it's very true.

We all have things in our life that we hate to do, or we don't like doing. We spend most of our time working on those things. If we start focusing more on the things we like to do, and less on the things we don't want to do, we can find new things that we enjoy doing. Those things will bring us more happiness into our lives, and change the way we view them.

Real change is also not a place we visit. Real change happens around us. It comes from within, from our beliefs, thoughts, actions and choices. When we learn to change the way we think about something, it changes our reality.

It's not so hard to do. Just as a child should begin with learning how to crawl before they can walk, we need to start first by changing the way we think. We can't walk up the stairs if we don't believe we can. We can't think clearly and honestly if we don't believe there's a logic behind our actions. Change is necessary. And it begins with each thought.

Think about it. You wake up in the morning and immediately decide you're going to get up early and work. You read the same few words over again in your journal until they form an habit. You decide right then and there that tomorrow's your day off. You don't ask yourself why you did it. You just did it.

Change doesn't have to be difficult. Change can be wonderful. Real change does happen every day. If we can just open our minds and hearts and see what's available to us, we can make changes that stick. And change is the only thing that stands between us and happiness and fulfillment.

Each individual has the power within him or herself to think differently. To imagine new possibilities. To look at situations differently and to look for solutions. If we're not thinking as though we're in the presence of a loving Creator, we're sure to fall into the trap of doing things that bring us sorrow rather than joy and peace.

So, change is necessary and it begins within each of us. But change doesn't come easily. Change needs to be forced upon us. We can't sit back and wait for change to sweep us away. It's either we go out and do something about it, or we'll continue to live in the comfortable and complacent kind of thinking that leads us right back to where we started - unhappy and miserable. The old saying that thinking wears you out is true for so many things but is especially true when it comes to changing.

So, get busy! Think about change and make plans to make it. Write down goals and write down plans. Make sure you have a personal mentor to help you along if you need any guidance.

When we decide to change something in our lives, it's going to take a significant amount of effort on our part. We have to be willing to give it 100%. If we think we're too good to change, we'll never have enough energy to do it. So, just go ahead and make a change in your life today. It will certainly make a difference in your life for better or worse.

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