Be Good; Yes! Be Good

in #motivation6 years ago
C'mon Sammy, he doesn't deserve my goodness!!

Sometimes our sense of judgment could be beclouded by; maybe; sentiments, and we tend to believe that someone's wrong actions or inactions have disqualified him from acts of humanity and kindness from you. But I would like to remind you that we all; at some point; were "pain in the arse" too, but life didn't give up on us, neither did hope withdraw its shimmer, so why shouldn't we pass the same goodness on to others?


Do you believe in second chances? Without missing words; if second chance never existed, I would have been; of all men; most lonely. So why should I deny someone else second chance?

As a matter of precision; if you do good to only those that deserve it, or maybe to only those who you expect goodness in return, then I might just tell you that it is not sacrifice, but business. The beauty of humanity is in sacrifices (relevant help).

This differentiates between "regular help" and "relevant help"


Here's an important message I would like to pass across to you: You can win the battle of evil with good. And the truth is; there is an inert goodness and heart of humanity in every living soul, and we should try to give expression to it.

As  a way of conclusion, let me reiterate these words again:

The moments that really matter in life are the moments when you are offered the choice to make a sacrifice, conquer a flaw, save a friend, and spare an enemy. - Tin Man [Collosus]

The point that says "spare an enemy" looks like Mission Impossible for some people, but remember this; posterity would only remember you for your acts of goodness, and more importantly, your acts of mercy. That is the reason mercy exists.. These are the lights you need to overcome the darkness in the world.

So buddies; be good.

Thanks for reading


Yea I will always be good

So many wrongs that I wish I can correct... I just hope time allows me

Things can change with time. Just give time some more time, and be good

Our world had thought us to treat people based on their attitude towards us. This so wrong, rather we should treat people based on the goodness of our hearts.

We should remember that Carma is a b**ch. It has a way of paying people for their actions in the best way possible...

The trick is just to be good

You're right, we should treat people according to the goodness in our hearts

before judge a person we should know at first about him not his attitude.... based on attitude justify a person is wrong.... attitude is just human habits.... its may be good or bad.....

That's right. We should try to look beyond what we see. Thanks a lot for coming around

True talk. But did you have to drag those adorable robots into this too? Anyway, on a serious note, I have picked up a lot of morals from this. I really do hope to do some good in the world. Thanks for this.

Lol. Do you like the robots? See, even robots know how to be good :D

Yeah... It pays to be good.... Two wrongs can't make a right

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