Monday Motivation - Are we there yet?

in #motivation6 years ago (edited)


Do you like road trips? Most people do. It is fun to travel long distances! We get to see many sights. There is a constant sense of making progress and the anticipation of the joy of reaching your destination.

As a child, I did not enjoy our family road trips. My bladder never cooperated with my dad's scheduled stops and I did not enjoy the cramped space in which I had to sit still for too many hours. As a result, I often had to ask, 'Are we there yet?'

Today my dream holiday would be to rent a Harley and travel all over America for three months. Without a plan or a destination in mind, just going where the road takes me. And since this is a dream, I would want to do this with limitless cash.

The question is, 'What changed?' As a youngster, I just wanted to get there. Now I want to travel without even knowing where I am going. What changed?

Three things changed.

  1. It is no fun travelling with my dad. He is rushed and only thinking of the destination. Travelling is way more fun when you are in the right company. Pick your companions well!
  2. I discovered that no destination is permanent. There will always be a next destination. 'Getting there' is more like reaching a stopover. Some stops may be long, some short. But you will be travelling again.
  3. I realised joy in the journey makes your holiday that much longer. Stop and smell the roses!

Thus, in this second Monday Motivation post of mine, I want to remind you of three things.

  1. You are not at your destination yet. Life will not stay the way it is today. Your current circumstances are not your permanent state. Keep going!
  2. Stop and smell the roses. Enjoy today, wherever you are, however difficult it is. Take a deep breath and smile. You are alive and you are en route.
  3. Destinations are overrated. Accomplished goals are fleeting, soon to be replaced by new ones. Have fun getting there!

Michael Card is one of my all-time favourite artists. He wrote a song called, 'Joy in the journey.' Here are some of the lyrics.

There is a joy in the journey,
There's a light we can love on the way.
There is a wonder and wildness to life,
And freedom for those who obey.

I pray that you will be able to enjoy your journey today. Whether you are on a mountaintop or a deep dark valley, you are en route, not at your destination. Have fun and keep going!

And as you keep going, think on this beautiful promise.

When you're in over your head, I'll be there with you. When you're in rough waters, you will not go down. When you're between a rock and a hard place, it won't be a dead end— Because I am GOD, your personal God, The Holy of Israel, your Savior. I paid a huge price for you...
Isa 43:2-3 MSG

Are we there yet?

No, we are not. And we are glad! There is joy in the journey for we are not alone.


Created as a subscriber of Presenter Media


Your post has been selected to be entered into @teamsouthafrica's Daily Nominated Post section in Teamsouthafrica's Discord group. Congratulations!


Awesome news! Thank you @fates!

"I pray that you will be able to enjoy your journey today"

Please keep praying, my friend. I will be out the door in about 14 hours and on to a new adventure. I will be on the road a couple of days and I feel like I am being shot out of a cannon.

Thank you for the calming and uplifting moment today. I needed it!

You are in my thoughts constantly. I look forward to reading about your journey @fitinfun.

Very inspiring words.I believe i am not there yet. As we continue to live, there are different routes that we need to take. Maybe other routes are smooth and others are rough. Always remember that someone up there will always guide no matter what routes we have. Greetings from rubelynmacion of kryptonia

@reonlouw wow !!! amazing motivation. it not only made my day. it made my full week. Awesome

When I was a pro poker player I used to travel all over the UK with a buddy, often we would be in 3-4 different cities in as many nights, and we never planned accomodation, either getting a hotel on the spot or sleeping in the car or motorway cafe. It was fun times indeed.

Travel with my parents was always fun, Mom had a saying "Feast Your Eyes" why, constantly reminding you the sight before you may never be seen again.

Every day you may look out your window, each day will reveal a different picture, smallest change in season, a bird, weather, all presenting altered impression no matter how small or big, life is too short not to drink it all in.

Visiting from @kryptonia forever reaching for our dreams.

It is not all about destination, it is about the journey!
Visiting from @kryptonia

Your Monday motivation can be likened to a Christian journey, is good to smell the roses, enjoy the fun, I remembered travelling with my dad too, it ain't fun at all.
Lots and lots of silence between us.

@kryptonia It is not only the destination that matters but the journey towards it aswell :)

As a kid, I was never a fan of road trips myself. In my case, its because I easily get carsick and I just spend my time sleeping in the car hoping to get to where we're going as soon as possible. Thankfully, I've gotten over my carsickness. So I am now in a better position to, as you said, stop and smell the roses.

These days, I enjoy taking pictures while traveling, especially when the scenery changes and one scene bleeds into another. It's great if you can capture that in a picture.

P.S. I got here through Kryptonia.

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