Up and Down, Keep Posting and Steem On

in #motivation7 years ago (edited)

Hi Steemians...

A friend who just joined a few months ago and has converted some SBD and Steem with a fantastic amount in the IDR, yesterday looked not cheerful. Makes me wonder out of curiosity

“Why do not you look excited, how about Steemit?”

"That is the problem, I am watching Steem Dollar prices drop significantly"

It's been a whole day I do not see the price of Steem and SBD, not because it does not matter for me, but because my Wallet has been empty, of course I am curious when he said the price dropped dramatically.

“How much is it now?"

“Approximately IDR 130.000"

"WHAT ?? That price increased almost 1000 percent, the first time I join Steemit, the price of Steem and SBD only 1 dollar or equivalent IDR. 13.000, and that time, the upvote worth $0.30 already make our face bright and cheerful "

That's true, for me ... Steemit remains an idol among others social media, so that Steem prices go up or down, keep posting and STEEM ON.[]

Lhoksukon, 23 Desember 2017


Hai Steemian...

Seorang teman yang baru bergabung beberapa bulan lalu dan telah “mencairkan” beberapa SBD dan Steem dengan jumlah yang fantastis dalam Rupiah kemarin kelihatan lesu. Membuat saya penasaran dan bertanya

“Kenapa lesu, apa kabar Steemit?”

“Itulah, saya pantau harga Steem Dolar turun drastis”

Sudah seharian saya tidak melihat harga Steem dan SBD, bukan karena tidak peduli tetapi karena Wallet saya telah kosong, tentu saja saya penasaran ketika dia bilang harga turun drastis.

“Berapa harga sekarang?”,

“Sekitar Rp. 130.000”

“WHAT?? Harga itu meningkat hampir 1000 persen, pertama kali saya join di Steemit harga Steem dan SBD cuma 1 dollar atau setara dengan Rp. 13.000, dan saat itu upvote senilai $0,30 sudah bikin muka kami cerah ceria”

Itu benar adanya, bagi saya... Steemit tetap menjadi idola diantara media sosial lainnya, jadi... harga Steem naik atau turun, tetap posting dan STEEM ON.[]

Lhoksukon, 23 Desember 2017


Thank you for Using #promo-steem tag, Promote steemit by inviting your friends and your family!

That makes sense. Cryptocurrencies, including Steem Dollars, are to be looked at long term to determine whether they are a proper investment or not. Daily fluctuations affect daytraders, not long term investors.

Keep mining steem :)

KK memang steemian yg senior

Hehehe.. di sini sama saja, semua punya kesempatan yg sama

senang tat kak rayfa yum SBD melonjak 10 x lipat hahaa

Hehehe.. berkah itu

Semoga saja kita bisa berkarya di steemit jadi kita akan sangat senang apabila karya kita dihargai.tidak seperti media sisial lainnya.dan dengan pola pikir kita seperti itu.maka kita tidak akan teringat dengan rupiahnya.sukses selalu buat kak @rayfa

Benar ivan.. tetap semangat ya

iya, tp sbd lagi drop nih..he

Dulu harga sbd cuma 12.500

ini saatnya cintamu pada steemit diuji ... :D

You wrote it.
You nailed it.
Keep nailing.

And keep smiling :)

I was on the effect of expired 'Give Water' ...
Was hard to not keep smiling ...

joker laugh.jpg

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