Am I my brother's keeper?

in #motivation6 years ago


Being your brother's keeper is a familiar phrase today, some people use it when they want to portray kindness or seek kindness or just a reminder that you need to show kindness to a neighbor however the question "AM I MY BROTHERS KEEPER" it's a popular question from the popular book of the Bible.

Genesis 4:9 And the Lord said to Cain "where is Abel thy brother" ? "I do not know am I my brother's keeper?

The story of these two brothers is very memorable as far as the scriptures are concerned.

It's memorable for having the first twins of the Bible and where the first murder case that first happened in Bible.

It happened that the both brothers went to a particular mountain and offered sacrifice unto the God and the sacrifice of Abel was accepted and the sacrifice of Cain was not accepted.

After performing their sacrifice, Abel's sacrifice was accepted and the sacrifice of Cain was not accepted then Cain was displeased with Abel whose sacrifice was accepted.

Cain out of displeasure with His brother murdered His brother Abel.


When Cain had murdered Abel, God came to Cain and asked him of His brother he answered with another question “Am I my brother's keeper.”

God answered, what has thou done, the blood of your brother crieth unto me?

Till today the holy scriptures still refers to the case of Cain and Abel in a rendering that says,
"The blood of Jesus speaks better things than the blood of Abel."

This is because while the blood of Abel cried for vengeance the blood of Jesus is mostly connected to forgiveness.

There are things that will surely live after us they are our deeds, good or bad our deeds has a way of living after us therefore our lives most be lived with the mindset that our deeds lives after us.

The Christians still read the deeds of Cain to Abel this today as well as they read of the deeds of Jesus.

However, you have a choice to live well so that we can speak well of you or live otherwise.

Questions to ponder.

Why was Cain not displeased with God?

Abel was not the person who didn't accept the sacrifice of Cain why Cain then murdered Abel?

Who will today agree to even be a brothers keeper today?

All scriptures quoted from King James version.

Photo credit: pixabay
Thanks for reading through:
Am your original @prettyjules158.


Really nice and informative piece @prettyjules158
We should all learn to be our brother's keeper. Having each others back in time of need, because you never can tell what will happen. The person you help can end up being a blessing to you tommorrow:)
Thank you for made a good call!!!:)

Thanks @vickyrich great comment.

👏👏 very much appreciative:)

this is one wonderful post that i've read this morning.

cain killed abel because he was jealous of him. In this our generation no one even cares about his/her brother and no one has time to be a brothers keeper. nice post @prettyjules158 really enjoyed it.

Thanks for your comment @mrglowz

I think cain wasn't displeased with God because
He was consious of his wrong doing, he didn't give of his first fruit unlike Abel

“Take some of the firstfruits of all that you produce from the soil of the land the LORD your God is giving you and put them in a basket”.
Deuteronomy 26:2.

Abel gave his first fruit to the LORD

And Abel, he also brought of the firstlings of his flock and of the fat thereof. And the LORD had respect unto Abel and to his offerings
Genesis 4:4.

By faith Abel offered unto God a more excellent sacrifice than Cain, by which he obtained witness that he was righteous, God testifying of his gifts and by it he being dead yet speaketh.
Hebrews 11:4

Thanks dear, I do appreciate your comment nice one.

You're welcome

Thanks @prettyjules158 for this amazing topic
The story of Cain and Abel has a lot of moral lessons.
Cain was not displeased by God because he has conscience......he knows that he intentionally want to rub God.
Cain murdered Abel irrespective of the fact that his not the one that rejected the sacrifice because of envy......his envious of Abel because he found favour in God's sight.
To be sincere with you nobody will honestly be their brother's keeper even when they claimed they do....when situation calls for them to prove the saying they will stab you on the back without looking back... They will do business with their brother and cheat them....
It's rare for one to sincerely put it to work.

Run away from people who envy you, their heart is full of eveil. Thanks for your comment.

My dear sister@prettyjules158 None today will agree to be anyone's brothers keep. If their are such persons they maybe doing it for gains or favour.

It pains me to remember that there was a time we humans were once our brothers keepers, but the evil of the world has covered our sense of kindness that we don't do it generously except it comes with a gain attached on it.

The Name and blood of JESUS which was shed for us on the cross of calvary has at redeemed us from the slavery of sins.
Jesus nature is always to have peace, forgiveness and mercy upon sinners like us.

Judgement is at

Yes I read it too when I was still a teenager in the Bible. I think Cain killed his brother cos he's jealous why his Abel sacrifice is accepted and his own was rejected

But Abel made the sacrifice with the best thing he ever had but Cain made his own sacrifice with the worst one

I don't think anyone can be his brother's keeper By now coz everyone seems busy

Too busy to care about the welfare of others?

I was just joking

Everyone God created with us or anyone close to us,we should be responsible for their welfare

Hmmm... Good one there
We should endeavor to be our brother's keepers.

Because in life, at some point in time, one shares from the good/bad reputation of one's brother (not only biological) ...

Being a brother's keeper is equivalent to being one's self's keeper

@prettyjules158, u never cease to amaze me with your outstanding diversity and dynamism

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Great post!
Thanks for tasting the eden!

The eden is so sweet.


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