The law Of Clarity.........The Conclusion

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The law Of Clarity.........The Conclusion

Having clarity doesn't mean that what you see is positive or empowering. it just means that you see a picture of what you want to accomplish, possess, become and do.

That thing which you see will create a magnetic pull within you towards it. It will make you become restless until you create it. I will suggest that you write down and build your life's mission statement around what you see clearly in your mind's eye.

But when you don't see clearly, you stumble aimlessly in the dark. When you don't see clearly, you walk past opportunities without recognizing their significance.

When you don't have clarity, you oppose or hinder your own good. But with clarity comes order in your life.

Fear comes as a result of not knowing who you are. When you recognize your divinity and honor, your abilities by asserting them in the marketplace, fear will become a thing of the past. When we operate from the vantage point of our divinity, fear pales into nothingness in comparison with our God given potential.

The reason why some people have a challenge to move out of their comfort zones is lack of clarity. Inertia can only be broken by knowing exactly what you want in life and how you intend to get it. If you cannot clearly articulate your dream and the plan by which you want to achieve it, you will struggle in the same position for a long time.

To break out of inertia, you should sit down and clearly articulate your vision. What do you see ahead of you? where do you see yourself in the next 5, 10, 20, 40 years, utilizing your abilities and social networks? Develop and follow a simple plan to take you from where you are to where you want to be . Without a plan, you are doomed to obscurity.

People who go around in circles are not stupid or unintelligent, their challenge is lack of clarity. Even Einstein who doesn't have clear plans will stumble along the dark corridors of mediocrity until he gets his bearings right.

Without Clarity, you will make several mistakes in your life. Although mistakes are part of our learning process but there are certain mistakes that are just plain stupid. You wouldn't have done certain things the way you did if you knew better.

Some of us have spent a large portion of our lives quenching little fires that our mistakes created in our lives. we jump from one fire to another and become completely overwhelmed because of the fire of their own. Those fires or little problems all around us are a reflection of our chaotic inner state which is caused by lack of clarity.

We create problems for ourselves because we have no idea what we are doing. The moment you have clarity, it seems as if the problems just disappear. It is almost magical.

It is incredible what happens when we have clarity; the wrong people just disappear from our lives with their litany woes. With clarity comes order and peace in our lives. With clarity comes such drive that you will become unstoppable as you accomplsih your goals.

Thanks For Coming Around

It's my pleasure always having you around

Enjoy your weekend.



Clarity is synonymous with Light, luminosity, t in your publication, transparency, and us called luminous, but as you focus on your publication is the focus of reaching the goal, with Christ in our lives we can get to possess it because he is light in the midst of darkness.

good publication

Yes agree with you
Nice post

Am blessed with this topic....
If we matter how long it must surely come to pass. We should learn to create a good picture for our life.
Thanks @owoblow-steemit for sharing.

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