Crucial tips for better living the deconfinement

in #motivation2 months ago

Some people found the lockdown announcement to be extremely stressful and challenging, but for others, the deconfinement causes more anxiety and tension.

It's reasonable to feel anxious when the government declares that stores will reopen and that people will be returning to their jobs, daycares, and schools. We must better prepare and support ourselves so that we can adapt to this new world.

Given that we will have to endure this unpleasant sickness for a while, it is necessary to prepare ourselves for it and do everything in our power to allay our anxieties.


For this reason, it's critical to get a few pleasant and useful cloth face masks. To avoid wasting time washing, it would be ideal to have one for every day of the week.

To clean handles, doors, and other surfaces you may come into contact with while out and about, you will also need disinfectant wipes and hand sanitiser. But it's crucial to keep in mind that hand washing is still necessary after using hand sanitiser.

Lastly, remember to maintain the two-meter physical distance that public health recommends, and don't be afraid to remind those around you politely if you feel the need to.

Reverting to your normal routine and forgetting all that transpired over the past few months is not often the result of the lockdown ending. Conversely, you must proceed cautiously and at your own speed.

Never be scared to change up your routine. Recognise your concerns and look for other options. Can I keep working from home with telework? Is there a method to get to my destination other than taking the tube?

In order to relieve your tension and worry during lockdown, you might have also started practicing yoga or another sport. If yes, include these new practices into your daily deconfinement regimen.

Put it this way: create boundaries and integrate your "new life" with your lockdown life.

If at all possible, travel by foot, bicycle, or automobile, depending on the distance to be travelled, rather than using public transportation.

Try to check if your company can adjust your hours if you have to take the bus or tube to work in order to avoid using public transport during rush hour. You might be surprised at how understanding they are.

It's quite reasonable for many parents to be anxious about the lockdown ending and their children going back to school or creche. We still need to make an effort not to instill in our child this fear of the virus and the possibility of infection, though.

During the lockdown, the Order of Psychologists of Quebec published advise for parents, which is still relevant today.


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