WHY PROCRASTINATE? (A Salesman point of view)

in #motivation7 years ago (edited)

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Over the past 9 years plus, that have been involved in the business of sales with the hope of changing job after a while. I was able to find out that people like me are born to do some kind of job like the job of salesmanship. But in those years mentioned, have taken all kinds of decisions some in haste and some after doing proper critical thinking.
Though as a young man venturing into the field of sales, I never knew I could be this good and successful because I thought some individuals are born to do some certain kind of job.

A senior colleague that I met during the early stage of my sales career once told me that, if I really want to succeed in this business of selling INSURANCE especially in a society like ours, then I must be ready to guide against the attitude (virus) called PROCRASTINATION. Sincerely, that got me thinking and asking the question of WHY?
Psychology Today

What is procrastination?

In a simple layman terms: is a situation where you delay what you are supposed to do today till tomorrow or eternity.
What you are supposed to do at a particular moment to another moment either with a minutes, an hour, a week, a month etc. Meaning any form of delay makes you to procrastinate.

Edward Young said "Procrastination they say is a thief of time". Now the question is "who is the thief? YOU.

You steal from your own time anytime you procrastinate or refuse to do the needful as at when due. Remember that time waits for nobody. The moment you don't do what you are supposed to do as at when due that is the moment you steal from yourself and block yourself from achieving what you would have achieved at that point in time.

In sales, any form of delay can make you to lose a business and that is why it has to be guide against. How do you know you are procrastinating?


When you are meant to do something and just don't do it because some other things are taking your time. For example, refusal to make a call to a prospect even when you know that making that call without delay is the only way you can seal the deal. The point am trying to emphasize is the war that takes place between the task and the time available i.e. task vs. time. When you have too much things to do but with less time to do it.
Heinz Marketing

Anxiety means an unpleasant state of mental uneasiness, nervousness, apprehension and obsession or concern about some uncertain event i.e. when someone is troubled or worried. When the mind is preoccupied with the thought of how to survive. This will certainly bring about fear and distraction which in the long run will make anyone to want to postpone task.
It is easy for an unsettled mind to procrastinate.

When there is no self-confidence then to see low self-esteem. As a salesman, your level of confidence must not at any time drop i.e. it must be be high and ready to perform and deliver.
A.S. William said “do that thing you fear most and the spirit of fear will disappear ".

Simply put in another way, failure to do your homework. If you are properly prepared for the task ahead then there is no tendency to want to postpone (i.e. procrastinates) it. Every salesman should know that sales starts from home and not the office. You have to be ready both physically and mentally before you perform at your peak.
Proper preparation helps to boost performance and efficiency.

A very good advice to any salesman is to stay away from a particular process when he/she knows he does not have adequate information and capacity to execute it. You cannot afford to mess up a golden opportunity because might not possible again. The more reason why you need to prepare ahead without delay in order to avert procrastination.

You need to be sure of the content of what you about to say or do. It also builds ones self-confidence. Remember that your level of knowledge and understanding earns you respect and more achievements in your field of expertise.

*The natural human inclination or tendency to take the easy way out i.e. SHORTCUT MENTALITY.
There is no shortcut to true success. EVERY SUCCESS STORY HAS A PROCESS THAT WAS APPLIED.
An HR expert/insurance consultant called Osho Oladehinde said " Getting the final answer without following the normal process will come back to hunt you in the future". Meaning what you are running away from by taking the shortcut will always wait for you in the front. Then why not do the needful when you have the chance?

Other symptoms includes
*Negative mental attitude i.e. when you are pessimistic.

*Activity vs. Accomplishment (result) i.e. getting too busy on minor task when there are major tasks to deal with. Having a scale of preference will help in this situation. That should be the first thing to do.

In conclusion, all the symptoms of procrastination mentioned are all curable and can be corrected. But it is very important to know all this symptoms in order to guide against them in the nearest future. Remember that one of ways to succeed in any particular task is to guide against negative attitude.

So, what should be action plan now? Make effort and write that post, take that picture, write that code, sing that song, write that poem, inspire that community, put that special delicacy on youtube video for everyone to see, participate in that writing contest and so on because by delaying it then you might be hurting or killing your destiny.

Like the popular saying “make hay while the sun is shining".
I hope with this few point you are convinced that procrastination is really a thief of time and guiding against it will guarantee success in life.

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Compliment of the season.

@optimistdehinde loves you all. Signing out for now



I had been a victim of this virus called procrastination at the early stage of my career and I paid for it with the kind of result I got.

We must get rid of this virus if we must travel far on this success journey.

Is really a virus and it can be dealt with. I will still do a post on the solution to overcoming procrastiantion. Thanks for your comment bro.

@kingsolo thats why they say make hail while the sun shines.

Nice summary. One step at a time!!

Yeah! Step by step wins the race.

Very well articulated and instructive🎅

Thank you for dropping by bro.

Procrastination is a dream killer, it keep one grounded.... Love your approach

thank you so much.

This post received a 2% upvote from @morwhale team thanks to @optimistdehinde! For more information, click here! , TeamMorocco! .

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