Let Us All Conquer Stress And Dare To Accept The Challenge

in #motivation6 years ago


When your lucky and suppose to be your initial reaction is to clap your hands and shout hurray...hurray...hurray! But in this case I'am lucky to be unlucky to be choosen as one of the representative section to have the reading of my forms in the district and division level!
Do you know that feeling when your co-teachers are now strolling and taking a long nice break while I still face the pressure of my forms being check and scrutinize for errors. This is another major stress to conquer.

The life of a teacher is never easy, we are constantly facing stress! Teaching is like a weather, sometimes its sunny as bright as the clear blue sky or it can be stormy as dark as the starless skies in the night. Teaching is like sailing in thunderstorms of stress, conflicting priorities and distractions. Teachers need to have solid state of mind to fight all obstacles. Teachers are like superman, though we are not man of steel but we have the nerve of steel. Not only teachers are affected by stress but everyone who walks the path of living a life. We need to fight stress to fully enjoy the good things in life.
Here are some ways we can use to combat stress:

  1. Accepting the worst on everything and working on to improve the worst. It can be done by analyzing and facing the situation which means devoting time and effort in improving the worst. A calm state of mind can find ways in making solutions to make the worst better!
  2. Disregard the negative vibes and entertain only positive thoughts. Its you who control your mind which means if you put negative vibes in your mind it will result to negative action or reaction but with positive thinking it will produce positive outlook in all things.
  3. Find a reason to be happy in everything that you do. You need an inspiration, an inspiration can be something or someone or anything that gives you joy. You can do it by writing, seeing, touching or feeling a great sense of happiness and fulfillment in all things that you do.
  4. Take a good night sleep. When you have a good sleep you will be fully energize for the next day, thus keeping you fully loaded and ready for the next challenge.
  5. Refuel yourself with water. The human body needs at least 8 glasses of water everyday. Enough fluid in the body system will help nourish the flow blood that pumps up oxygen. Drinking enough water should be a habit.
  6. Find time to exercise. Go outside, go out by walking, running or simply do the breath exercise as it help blow out the stress away from your body.
  7. Fill in your spiritual need. Yes, if you put God at the center of everything nothing will break you. By faith you are protected by bad mental influences.
  8. Build strong relationship with your loveones. Your family, relatives and friends are the people whom you can talk and voice out all your worries. If you have someone you can trust and talk about your anxiety it will make you feel better as you are able to release all your negativity inside. They serve as your outlet giving you the source of strenght against all fears and doubts.
  9. Manifest Physical Affection. Action speak louder and stronger than words. You can go away with stress if you allow yourself to feel love, hugs, kisses and anything that will make you comfortable.
  10. Free yourself and rejuvenate. You are the master of yourself, thus do not imprison your own self, break free and find the young you within yourself.

    I'am @nickjon and I dare to accept the challenge, go and move forward no stress or worries can block my way to that star of success! How about you steem buddies, do you dare to accept the challenge? Yes..Yes..Yes we all accept the challenge!
    Life is stressful but its never boring. I can be who I want to be, you can be anything you want to be..Yes! we are who we are. No worries, no stress, its all up to you! For all of us travel in the path for tomorrow with no regrets only aspirations to succeed! Do not allow stress to ruin your life. Let us all conquer stress and live on today with a bright future!

Your Steem Buddy,


All Photos Are Mine Captured by Vivo Lite Plus With 16 Megapixels Camera


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nice post bro. keep up the good work. done upvoting you.

Thanks bro...

welcome bro. God Bless you always.

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