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in #motivation7 years ago (edited)


my brather # zikrullah (you know me)

"Tears will not erase your sorrow; hope does not make you successful; courage will get you there" - Air mata tidak akan menghapus dukamu; berharap tidak akan membuatmu sukses; hanya keberanian yang bisa membawamu kesana. - Johni Pangalila

Every day we have a profitable opportunity, whether on a small or large scale. If we are brave enough, then the opportunities will be a great fortune. Because courage will lead to significant action.

Courage is an attitude to do something not to worry too much about bad possibilities. Aristotle says that, "The conquering off of is the beginning of wisdom, the ability to conquer fear is the beginning of wisdom." That is, the person who has the courage will be able to act wisely without being overshadowed by real fears is a mere hallucination. People who have the courage will be able to live the dreams and change the personal life as well as the people around him. .

A few centuries ago Virgil said, "Fortune favors the bold." Lucky nrenyukai courage. "Let us learn from sports leaders who have international achievements, namely Carl Lewis, Michael Jordan, Marilyn King and others. They have a lot of courage to ward off any worries about their inner limitations. That's why they are able to excel in the field of sports and appear as a character figure.

We also have the same opportunities in the same field or in other fields, for example in the arts, politics, business, science, philosophy and so forth. But do we have enough courage to grasp the opportunities that come every day and turn it into a living achievement?

Only our self is able to measure whether our courage is big enough? Marilyn King says that our courage is largely influenced by three things: vision, action, and passion. These three things are able to overcome the fear, fear, and facilitate us achieve dreams.

Based on the vision or goal we want to achieve, the most important thing is that we must make progress. ' According to Vince Lombardi, a renowned rugby trainer in the world, efforts to create progress will go gradually. The existence of change makes us dare to make more progress. Therefore Anthony J. D'Angelo insists, "Do not fear change, embrace it - Never fear change, but hug him tightly." So clarify the vision, so as to have a significant influence on courage.

In the meantime, opportunities come sometimes in unexpected ways. Samuel Johnson says that "Whatever enlarges hope will also exalt courage." Anything that can magnify expectations, it will also increase courage. "That is, action to change opportunities will increase hope as well as courage to think about the best possibilities or risk failure though. If you already know exactly what we want and have done, then it will increase the courage to never give up before it actually works.

The third factor affecting the level of success is passion. Perhaps we will be inspired by the spirit of a Carl Lewis sportsman. He is not worried or afraid of losing the game because he has high spirits. Carl Lewis's spirit pumped his courage through difficulties, so he won 22 golds: 9 of the Olympics / Games, 8 of the World Championship, 2 of the Pan America Games.

His father was the most meritorious man behind his courage. His father was a man who never tired of giving motivation encouragement. So when his father died in 1987 due to cancer, Carl Lewis buried one of the gold medals of the 100m race he loved most. He promises to regain the medal: - Carl Lewis's passion enhances his passing through obstacles, until he regains 9 golds a few years later.

Carl Lewis is one example of a successful person. He had the courage to do what no ordinary people could or could not do. They consistently create continuous progress. Ekhorutomwen E.Atekha explains, "All you need to keep moving is your ability to spur courage." They always have the courage to change lives because they have a vision, take action and has a great passion. *


Whatever you do may seem insignificant to you, but it is most important that you do it.

- Mahatma Gandhi

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