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in #motivation7 years ago (edited)

comparing 3.png

It often happens that we compare ourself to others. Yes, from the young ages we are taught to compare us, to live in competition. Let me say to you, sometimes it's not bad. But this is not on what I want to focus on now. I am talking from the wrong comparing.

He/she has this beautiful profession what should actually be mine.
She is already married and has children; she has such a great figure. I can't compete with her.

He has so many followers, why are they even following him? I am better than him.
More and more....

Does something sound familiar to you?
If not, then think about it when you compared yourself to someone else. It happens so fast.

If you are someone who is following me for a particular time you know that I am coming from the sports industry. As I was young, I knew that not every player would be accepted for the next year.

If you are not good enough, you will be sorted out. I saw it every year that players and friends had to leave us because the club wanted it.The hard reality on the way to a professional soccer player.

Knowing that we watched and compared each other although we were playing on the same team.

I am better than him, look what he is doing. I am definitely better.

In the sports industry, the circumstances are trying to put you in a mode where you always compare yourself with others in a wrong way. Not only in sports in almost every area.

If there is a bad way, there must also be a right way.

The right way.png

When you look at someone with the intention to learn from him or her and not to condemn or to justify your own stand and situation it's a different situation.

You know that you can get something from this person, something you want to implement because you are sure that it helps you, it will make your own way better, and the focus is still on you, how you can improve yourself.

With bad comparison, you lay the focus on other persons. Different feelings are coming together. Envy, jealousy, lack of understanding, anger. You are the one who will lose. They will put you in a prison and your thoughts are always of other people. The focus is on what they but they dont deserve it in your opinion.

These bad feelings are...


They rob your energy, drag you deeper into these unfruitful comparisons. If you see that person made a new post with tons of upvotes and you don't understand why. You begin to question yourself again, you start comparing you again. If a situation is like it is, why not accepting it like it is and try to make the best out of it? Why waste so much energy on comparing yourself to others.

There are people who try to tell you that you should be like this or like that. And you see people who fulfill these requirements. And now what? It doesn't matter. You are not obliged to fulfill the exact requirements. You are also worthy without them.


You are a special one, you are unique, and you should stay the same like you are. I am not telling you shouldn't learn new things. Of course, you should, but what I want to tell you is that you don't need to compare yourself with others in an evil way. When I say evil way, then I mean when you feel the feelings I mentioned above rising inside of you. If you noticed that turn your back to them, focus on that what you can change, see yourself in a positive​ and beautiful way.

There will always be someone who is better than you in a specific matter. This is normal also if it is just a bit. If you want to compare yourself with other then in a right way. With a learn willing heart.

Follow Upvote Resteem weiß .png

Thanks for reading.


Very Nice post and a good message. My friend once told me that life is like walking up everending stairs. No matter how far you climb you will always have people in front of you and just constantly focusing on them won't make you happy.

Instead try sitting down and looking down at the millions of people who are fighting to be where you are right now.

tip! 0.2

Hello @dandesign86

In my opinion the staircase of Life is not straight, Instead it is a steep Winding staircase and You cannot see the end from the starting point, you have to look at the people ahead of you and watch their feet placement and not falter, staring at the back of peoples head In front of you with jealousy will not help you, you have to watch their feet and look at the places they placed their feet to get the where they are.


I don't think by following people blindly and go where they go is the way to find your own happiness. That is my opinion

Woooooow. Absolutely true.
Great picture! Your friend is definitely right.
Thanks for this precious comment.

My pleasure! I tried to comment yesterday but it didn't work .. I will try now again hehe

Hello @modernpastor

If there is one thing I have learnt from this post, it is this " Comparism when done Negatively is Toxic".

It blinds you to what is bringing the person his/her level of success in the first place and makes you focus on ways to bring them down at the slightest chance.

I personally believe that the best way to build the tallest building is by actually building it and not by tearing the buildings of others down at the slightest opportunity.

Lives have been lost of scarred due to jealousy and even the Bible says that Bitterness dries up the bones (Cancer).

We get nothing but pain when we are constantly snooping around others who we view as successful with the wrong approach, what we meant to do however is to find out the principles they are applying and also add our own little mix of creativity and uniqueness to make it better.

Good Artist Copy, Great Artist Steal


Awesome comment and full of wisdom.
I like it: built it not tear it down
Thanks for leaving a comment my brother.

So true, but i can tell you i'm now at a age i'm totally relaxed and would it describe like:

With 20 you compare yourself with everything, your friends and your enemies.. with 30 you realize always comparing with others is annoying and too time and energy consuming.. with 40 you have the wisdom that you are the unique wonder of life, with unique talents and abilities, with failures and annoying habits which no other have, comparing transformed into ignoring the ongoing dance of vanities and focus on continuous learning and you accept that also all the others are unique you cannot compare to and that there is this wonderful opportunity of life, to build something together, unbelievable things you'd sometimes not even dreamed about!

These are words of wisdom my friend :)
I would appreciate if you would write a post about it.
I think it would be very beneficial for many.

Good point here as always-never allow thieves to rub you of your smarter than them, upped.
....I commented yesterday however my comments were lost hence why you didnt see it... due to bug
that caused posts visibility to be low. It affeced my latest post which outlined some solutions about the problem, feel free to see it and note the tips

Thanks my friend.
I got also this problem that comments from me just disappeared.

I will read my friend.

you are welcome, keep steeming to more success

I know that comparing oneself with others can be harmful. But this is a good motivation to become better. For me personally)

Competition should be healthy. It should exist with the intention to improve ourselves.

Getting sad just because others have more than us is a bad thing.

Be happy with what you have. And keep working to learn, grow and leap more.

Absolutely agree!

Glad to read it :)

we all are unique we just have to find our self in between thanks for sharing :)

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