Some people see what the thing they want in life and take it, and some people can only see the thing that prevents them from getting what they want. Success is your duty, it is your obligation and it is your responsibility!
TAKE OWNERSHIP of your shortfalls, take ownership of your mistakes, take ownership of your problems and then take ownership of the solutions that will get those problems SOLVED!
Take ownership of your mission, of your job, of your team, of your future and of your LIFE! And LEAD, lead in life, lead yourself, lead your team and all the people in your life, LEAD THEM ALL to VICTORY!
Don't just listen, don't just talk, DO. Put this information to work.

"Make TODAY count, EVERYDAY."

Get aggressive and attack life! whether its on the battle field or on the beat, or in the factory or on the farm or on the construction site or even the website, DONT hesitate, step! Step FORWARD and get after it. Make TODAY the day you make a change in your life for the better. Stop letting people stop you from your dreams! Take Ownership of the life you want and GO GET IT!


I made the decision to take ownership of my own life and change it for the better in January 2017. Since then I have listened to motivational speeches everyday for 1 hour on youtube. I know this sounds ridiculous but it helped me to reach all of my goals! Everything you need to succeed is already inside of you, if you listen to these motivational speeches everyday you will start to understand how to utilize the tools (you already have) to get what you want in life, seriously it works! But to get new things and new results in life you need to be willing to do things you have never done before, get outside of the norm, stop letting people decided how your life is going to be. If you take the steps to be in the right mind set, your life WILL get better.

I started taking ownership of my life first by eating healthy, which ultimately made me feel so good that I wanted to start walking everyday, which turned into exercising. As my body cleaned out the toxins my mind became free and ready to learn everything it could, like a sponge. Now I try to read at least an hour or two everyday, and the crazy thing is I use to HATE reading (not anymore). After that I learned all about money and then took ownership of my finances, now less then 1 year later and after living paycheck to paycheck for most of my life, I am getting ready to travel the world! If I can do it anyone can.
So stop listening to the haters and the naysayers, they don't want you to succeed because they aren't succeeding. Surround yourself with people who motivate you and support you, forget everyone else.
Wake up and start your day off right with a list of goals next to your bed so its the first and last thing you see everday, and a dream of a much better future that all starts with taking ownership of your life!


good article - upvoted +0.02 and resteemed to 360 followers

The power of autosuggestion is unlimited. The shame is that majority of people are not aware of this fact. Therefore every such post have positive influence. Thanks for sharing your great experience!

Very true take ownership! Good to hear that you have realised what you want from life and have started acting on it. In Hindi there is a saying "jab jaago tabhi sawera"! (Literal meaning is - consider that moment as morning or the start of a new day the moment you wake up.) Start acting Immediately upon realisation. Every new day is another chance to change your life!

That is a great saying, I will try to remember that! :)

Yes awareness and always questioning ourselves with complete honesty is the number one thing that will keep us moving forwards to enlightenment

That Quote, what a great truth. Admitting your own mistakes is what makes us better even if it is difficult.
The only way to correct an error is to realize that the error itself exists.

Exactly! People look at mistakes and failure all wrong these days, it is just a learning tool to make us stronger mentally and physically. But for some reason people think it is a bad thing. Its not.

Woohoo!!! Bro you just gave our brains a knockout! This is what I call "auto-rebooting". Yeah man. Thats the goal...

Success is your duty, it is your obligation and it is your responsibility!
TAKE OWNERSHIP of your shortfalls, take ownership of your mistakes, take ownership of your problems and then take ownership of the solutions that will get those problems SOLVED!

I think this about sums up everything I talk about everyday to my followers. Taking charge is the only way man. We can't continue to allow people make decisions for us. Enough has already been done by our parents, teachers, elders, friends, bosses etc.

Now we take back the power and succeed!!!

Remain Awesome man!


Thanks bro! Yeah, its crazy how much ur life can change when u take charge of it instead of sitting around waiting for things to happen to u.

Mae West : You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough.

awesome quote! thanks for sharing :)

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All the best!

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