Motivated End of Dusk

in #motivation6 years ago


Adam walked down the railroad tracks, a large backpack hanging from his right shoulder. occasionally he stopped, checking the state of the rail stretching on his left and right sides. look at the bolts that are fixed on the bearing or check the location of the bearing that is sinking, that's the job. There is a new employee who works for the company, he is one of the executors at the station in his village, and only eight months ago he was officially appointed as a permanent employee, of course this is a new chapter in his life.

Deep in his heart, Adam felt so proud. because financially, he can meet his needs. plan for the future and maybe even plan to start a married life with the girl he loves.
That was the simple desire that was in his heart at that time.

But that's how, sometimes reality doesn't have to happen as expected. as well as his hopes, all that pride and hope seemed to collapse. like a hurricane building. when one day he heard that the love of his lover had gladly accepted an application from a young man named akil.

Adam could never understand, how could it be hafsah without feeling the heart to trample on his pride.

Really adam wants to be angry and disgusted in reality, but whatever he can do. hafsah not have the right to choose the best for him? which may not be able to expect from him.

Hafsah left her when she still held hope for the girl, Adam really felt like a loser.

Not only her mother, her neighbors, and even her entire village would care for her, and maybe some of them would laugh and mock and say "look at this loser ...".

The togetherness they have passed so far, promises and hopes are nothing more than nonsense. Adam was really desperate.

Adam stared blankly at the purple violet light. he arrived at the old building which was the post where he stood guard and office, the post consisted of two floors. It was in this small post that he passed his days all this time, arranging dreams and hopes for the girl named Hafsah.

There were no other buildings there, other than the two-storey small post, which was surrounded by a large dike and was filled with grass and weeds that were brownish yellow. until the building seemed to pop out as if there was no place for Adam to hide from the tragic reality of his life.

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