in #motivation7 years ago

Imagine if men were God
Imagine Christ never came
Imagine sin is next to death
Imagine money transmit HIV/AIDS
Imagine everybody were stinkyly rich
Imagine life received salary
Imagine people determines who die
Imagine women choose when to get pregnant
Imagine people were elected to be GOD
Imagine regular sexual intercourse is the only key to everlasting wealth
Imagine the mother of Jesus was disvirgined by Joseph and a prostitute before she got married
Imagine the heat of the sun boils water to the hottest
Imagine leadership is earned by strength alone
Imagine it rains every day throughout the year
Imagine the number of hours one sleeps determines the number of hours one will live
Imagine rainfalls was for the religiously saved persons and sunshine for the religiously un-saved persons
Imaging! Imagine! Imagine!

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Our imaginations are very powerful and effective towards forging whatever we want in our lives, positive imaginations are geared towards better life while negative imaginations produces negative living, so positive imagination should be the way to a fulfilling life you maybe guessing already.

Even the Bible confirms this, Phillipians 4vs8 says:

whatever things are true, whatsoever things are honest,whatsoever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good reports if there be any virtues and if there be any praise think on these things

Have you been thinking of things that ain't true, pure, or just?
Maybe you heard, saw or experienced something that made you unhappy and it has kept you up all night,musing and tossing in your bed, every time you closed your eyes, you see only these negative images,
It all in the mind, control what comes to your mind, control your imaginations, control of your life.
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Learn to imagine things that are praiseworthy, lovely , pure and just so as to keep you moving in the right track with the right pace.

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