Do you feel this way too?

in #motivation3 years ago

Hello everyone ! I hope you all having a lovely day.

Today I would like to speak about overinformation and how it does affect our decisions.

As a beginner artist, I can see how difficult it can be to step in the industry and to live from it , it is also hard to keep the motivation when i do not see the results as fast as i would like, sometimes in the back of my head there is the voice.."Should i leave it?" "Am I good enough?" "Is it worth it?"... And always come to.. "Maybe there is something better i could be doing", because when we feel demotivated we use anything that makes us feel a bit better in the moment instead of stick to the plan and keep working on it, even if in the moment its not succesful, we have to keep going in order to achieve our goals.

I am sure most people have felt this way at some point in their life, and what i have realised so far is that overinformation confuses us making us think that there is always something better to be doing.
Consistency and discipline is the key for any successful person.

Do not let some emotions to affect your goals and success !

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