Ten Times Inspirobot, the Inspirational Quote Generator, Was Accidentally Profound! With My Commentary.

in #motivation7 years ago

I can't get over this inspirobot app. I wrote a story recently about bots that talk to each other in their own language, and I've always been fascinated with machines and language.

If you take this one at face value,the fact the dude is hitch hiking is alarming, because a maniac on the move is going to spread mayhem. But, what if "maniac" is a good thing, like as in, you could be a maniac on steem and really kill it! Think about it like this and you realize, you do have that potential!

Let's just say, I don't think we'll need to worry about inspirobot putting any inspirational speakers or writers out of business, anytime soon, but occasionally, it almost makes sense.

*I found this one ironic and hilarious. After all, there are plenty of idiotic inspirational quotes in this world. Sometimes, they just don't make sense, or sometimes they seem to, but are taken out of context. In this case, however, the machine must have f8cked itselt, I guess. *

This makes we wonder, is it the lack of depth in what we consider profound these days, so that inspirobot sounds smart by comparison, or is there something to be said for randomizing language?

This one is a little "on the nose" of course. It's just inherently true, just as without possibilities, there could be no inspirational quotes, or steemit, or inspirobot,or even me, so...

I suppose any program that rearranges sentences would even at random, would eventually hit on a few good ones right? But these crack me up, so, I thought I'd add a few thoughts to them, in the hopes of legitimizing inspiration by AI. Weird, huh?

*Here's one that's a little below the surface. Achievements, as a product of human endeavor, are things we strive for. We don't typically call something an achievement, unless we set out to do it. There's a lot of truth in the idea that this generally requires a conviction that the thing is worth doing, and that we are capable of doing it. *

The longer I work with this bot, the more I like it. In fact, I wish there were a way to add parameters, choose an image, tweak the message, but then, I guess idiots would take this shit as seriously as they do the mass produced inspirational posters that are written by guys like me that get paid by the slogan, huh?

If you've read much of my work here, you probably know I've spent my adult life earning my living from my art, in one way or another and this one speaks to me in an abstract way. Art happens. It's often not the result the direct, deep concentration and focus, although it can be. But many times, it's born out of those things we focus on, but then, in an instant, they intersect with NOW in a powerful way, and art doesn't wait until tomorrow.

I almost find these inspirobot quotes more personal than some of the inspirational memes I've created from other people's quotes in the past. While I get that it's somewhat randomized, it feels like I'm creating a part of it. Quantum mechanics shows us that both focus and intention change actions on a molecular level, so, maybe, in some way, my intention affects inspirobot?

This is another one that says one thing at face value, which seems sad. As if dreaming up your own life was depressing. But, destiny, is something we are locked into, it becomes inevitable. So, in that sense, making up your own destiny, and then insisting you must fulfill it all costs, could easily lead to depression.

When I was a kid, I used to see those posters, the kitten that said, just hang in there, or the penguin who said, I used to be sad because I had no shoes, until I met a man who had no class. And I think that was the beginning of my aversion to cleverness. I hate it.

*To me, this quote belongs on steemit! Why? Because, while everyone else is throwing up their hands over what the governments of the world are going to do next to ruin our lives, we are over here putting together alternative societies, and bringing the world back, in a good way. *

After about twenty of these, you start to wonder, how many of the inspirational memes I've already seen were created by a similar app, without anyone saying anything? I mean, they make about as much sense. Right?

I've written in one of my books on Creativity, about my design process for theater, which has become my writing process for novel length works. Basically, I find inspiration, there's a honey moon phase, then it gets hard and everything sucks, then I have to slog along to get to the good part, and finish up excited and full of enthusiasm. Great ideas come packaged with the temptation to quit, hate your work and believe your critics. Don't do it!

I'm thinking about just popping this thing open every day and generating memes until one catches my attention, then writing a daily inspirational post from it. It wouldn't be the weirdest place I've found inspiration. I once created an entire play just from thinking about elevators.

For most libertarian and anarcho thinkers, society isn't like blackmail, it is blackmail. They coerce us into participating by putting things we need, like groceries and homes, behind barriers that force us to engage with the institutions of society. It's great, if you believe in the system, but for those of us who see it as the prison it is, it can really suck!

Inspiration is a funny thing. Sometimes, the simpler something is, the more profound. Have you ever just studied something small, but intricate, like a leaf? There's so much detail in the world, and the human mind can make connections out of just about anything.

*This one kind of kicked me in the gut. While it is created by AI, wow! Yeah, I think that things ending, like the end of an artistic project, can definitely suck the life out of your motivation. In theater, cast members often cry after a final performance. They'll be back, but somehow, it's like a tiny piece of your life dies. By thinking of it as the beginning of something new, it's possible to trick yourself into seeing endings differently. *

Well, there you have it, profound AI thoughts. I hope you enjoyed it. I'll probably try the blogging thing and not say they came from Inspirobot, so shhhh. If you happen to read an upcoming post with one of these in it, don't tell anyone. Just laugh quietly along with me at all the inspired comments it will probably get. Yeah, good times!

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Beautiful messagem. Keep up the great work :)


Thanks, not sure you read it.

Nice post.
I donot comment because this perfect blog.
I just want to upvot and res

Thanks Glad you enjoyed it.

Very inspiring!

Which part did you find most inspirational?

The fact that technology doesn't have to be scary. It can have a more human side to it...........

Yeah, I guess. It's kind of funny how close some of these come.

how does inspirobot work? is that a steemit thing?

Nope. Inspirobot.me it generates "random" inspirational quotes as a joke, but some of them have some interesting thoughts attached.

Right on. Art can be inspired from crazy places. I think the more random the better. This is almost like a random thought generator. You can get inspiration, take pieces from here and there, add creativity, make it fit your style. It's kind of a honey pot for your own quotes or memes if you ask me.
Hey, stand on the shoulders of giants...
and by giants I mean disjointed, weird AI-bot conversations.
haha cheers. Fun post

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